Wovenwood Geographic Location in Halika | World Anvil
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The Wovenwood is a forest in the North-central Kingdom of Dovenar, on the edges of the properous counties of Tolinchoff, Parstovar, and Gernzlov. It is a wild forest, full of unusual creatures and old ruins.    The Wovenwoods are mostly known for their unusual Woven Oaks - oak trees with bark of many interwoven stringy strands, and leaves composed of smaller intertwined leaves. These trees have an oddly artificial feel despite their natural growth, and give the forest an odd atmosphere to newcomers.   Plenty of Ederstone-touched beasts, descended from old wasteland or wartime monsters, roam the forest in packs as ordinary parts of the local ecosystem. Most of these are not hostile or terribly dangerous. A few are. Like any wilderness, the Wovenwoods can be dangerous for the under-prepared - the shape of that danger is just more elaborate at times.    Minor sentient ederstone-touched creatures or twisted ghosts also live here, and most of them have embraced their own niche in the landscape as land spirits. There might be a cave where a porcupine-fox covered in quill-tentacles is willing to provide food and shelter if you honor it with a song; or perhaps, a melted ghost lives in the pond and will fling your equipment into the water if it feels its home is disrespected, but will keep the pond water pure and good to drink. Over the centuries, sentient creatures across Dovenar who want a life in a relatively normal forest have fled here when their own forests have fallen to agriculture. So land spirits are still uncommon here, but are far more common in the Wovenwoods than most other places.    Many local peasant communities worship the land spirits alongside the main Uvaran Gods, offering tribute and thanks for keeping their crops and families safe. This is not against Uvaran belief, but some priests from more "civilized" regions feel that it is excessively pagan and embarassing.


Going through some notable villages in the Wovenwoods:  

The Southern Path

In the far South, the Kokech Reliquary sits at the edge of the Wovenwoods. This village and its associated knights and farmsteads are under the count of Tolinchoff. Kokech is an odd ancient castle occupied by mystical monk-knights who keep ancient texts and artifacts.   To the Northeast is Eishnel. This village is under the count of Parstovar. A merchant, who is not from the village but has fallen in love with it, is the patron of and major political force in the village. Much of the actual governing is done by a council of peasant elders who run the local cult of the land spirits. This local cult has not been particularly open to the Uvaran clergy - which has opened the village to accusations of paganism by the rival village of Posinhof, which has long wanted more of Eishnel's Southern farmland. The current village priest, who is a dour Hainish man who has started to bicker with the village's patron spirit, is not helping matters. Aside from the feud with Posinhof and the religious turmoil, Eishnel is also trying to dislodge a small group of exiles who have turned to banditry in the nearby woods.  

The Path to the Pass

To the Northeast of Eishnel, across the hills, is Tenenkep, a village under the role of the Countess of Gernzlov . This village is well into the forest, and is the fastest growing colony in the Wovenwood. The most prominent local knight, who brought investment and crown support to the village, is on their deathbed - and their children now bicker over the inheritance. Making things worse, an adventurer has inserted themselves into the mess by claiming to be the true heir (with possibly forged documents to prove it). The other two minor knightly families in the area are bitterly divided over this. Further complicating matters is the expansion itself: the older village families see the forest clearing as moving too quickly and possibly angering the forest, and they have managed to sway the village's Uvaran priest to their side - much to the annoyance of the knights and newly arrived farmers.   Further North is Ezelvier, also under Gernzlov. Ezelvier is a small and isolate village deep in the forest. The local knight is well-respected and is something of a naturalist and the local priest is a hardy preacher with experience in far more dangerous wastelands than this. Most of the time, the hardy villagers and effective leaders can handle the challenges of the woods without much effort or concern, but recently a monstrous threat has crossed the mountains that the leaders have the good sense to request support for. They have posted a quest to neutralize the threat, while they and the villagers have prioritized keeping everyone alive and safe.   Zwenkern Pass, furthest North, is where the Wovenwood gives way to the Soldev mountains (part of the Broken Hills) - beyond which lies Upper Gernzlov (also called Yulgern), the sparsely-populated marchlands that mostly serve as a buffer region between the Kingdom and the Scouringwood Wastes. Zwenkern Pass is a mountain pass through the Soldevs, and is therefore is an important area to hold to prevent monsters from trickling into the Wovenwoods. Fort Zwenkern stands in the pass to prevent this: a small but mostly-effective fort led by an extremely pious commander. A Yulgernan/wastelander village that lost their home to monsters recently relocated to the area around the fort. The garrison welcomes the support but is uncomfortable around the people (who do not respect feudal class norms), and there is some concern around a lack of noble permissions for their building there.   


Further East of the road to Zwenkern is the village of Oltomein, also under the Countess of Gernzlov. Oltomein is a village built from ancient ruins, with palisades contructed on ancient defensive earthworks. The local knightly family's hold even has an underground sanctuary from those ancient days. Oltomein has, until recently, been written off by most of the nobility as a hopeless settlement due to its persistent hauntings - but a few months ago the most hostile of these ghosts were successfully exorcized. A few harmless ghosts remain in corners of the settlement, or have drifted off into other parts of the forest. Unfortunately, now that they have saved the village, the knightly family has started treating the local villagers worse and have begun demanding more and more from their peasantry.
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