Keilbarbolk Geographic Location in Halika | World Anvil
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The Keilbarbolk is also known as the 'Capital Lands' of Dovenar; it is the region immediately surrounding the kingdom's capital of Keilbar.   The province is a calm and prosperous one, with rolling wheat fields, small streams and meadows, and plenty of idyllic forest groves. Small villages dot the landscape, and the roads to and from the city have plenty of travelers and merchant caravans. It is, by all means, a fairly normal region for Stildane - particularly if you are just passing through.    If you linger too long, though, the idylllic farmland of Keilbarbolk unfolds into its fair share of local problems, quiet tensions, and even chances for adventure. For not only is the capital here, but the Geinsteinn Wilds border this place to the West. For those seeking to get to know this place better, a breakdown below will get into the six main sub-regions, listed by their largest village.    If you were to get technical, there are probably 16 or 17 villages ranging from small hamlets of 50 people to small 'towns' between 300 and 900 people. Governing these are a handful of knights, probably 10 to 12, who own small manor estates sprinkled through the countryside. So, the 4 farm-rich subregions each have like 2-3 knights, while the 2 farm-poor subregions each have only 1. I am not going to list the tiny hamlets or local knightly estates one by one; that would be excessive.


The Keilbarbolk province is 8 miles East-West, and 12 miles North-South. A ridge of hills, the Tiltegba Hills, divide the coast from the interior. The coastal region is fairly lush and gets more rain and fog than the interior, though temperate forest dots the farmlands further in - this is no desert.   Breaking it down by area, labelled by their most notable villages:

North Keilbarbolk

Ogglhof is the most likely village for adventurers to pass through, as the most-travelled road to the Geinsteinn Wilds splits from the main road here. Therefore, it will get more detail. Ogglhof is a prosperous little town just three miles North of the city, with small palisade walls and walled gardens. Ogglhof is more commercial than most villages; it has a tavern, a smithy, a general store, and a small coffee-house/restuarant (usually only open for events or during the wintertime rush). Wow!   The main reason for this is because there are a few nice estate houses just nearby, which regularly rent to visiting nobles. Yekterina Kreshren, wife of the city Junker's eldest son Gollern, lives full-time in one of those estate houses and acts as the de-facto mayor (holding power over the local knights). She was consistent and well-liked for years, but hasn't been the same since she went on a journey into the wilds a few years back. She's a little moody and erratic now. Some of the villagers are concerned, though nothing terrible has happened as a consequence so it mostly keeps to rumors and table chatter. The local priest is a proud traditionalist.   Oggloff funnels firewood into the city of Keilbar from the edges of the Geinsteinn wilds, and the people are very supersitious and religious about harvesting it. This quiet fear has escalated a little bit since the Exorcist's Guild got driven out of the wilds a few months back - the villagers watched them march by in shame in a procession that shook many families. The frontier with the wilds has many small shrines, offerings, and ceremonial spaces for appeasing whatever is in those woods. The rival village of Krechkran often mocks Ogglhoffers for this, saying they kidnap lone travelers and sacrifice them to the wilds.   Krechkran is the next village on the Northern road to the rest of Andrig. It sits at the crossroads of two roads: the well-trodden road West to the rest of the Anderyorn Crownlands (skirting the wilds as it goes), and the quiet road to Vlostrov, a rough and hilly region to the North. Has an inn next to the local granary, which also serves as the town hall.   Krechkran is a village that dreams of being a town, in an area that craves normalcy and abundance. The village is ruled by a town council of local better-off peasants. The current council is notorious for bullying a handful of farmers and outsiders who it dislikes, mostly in petty ways and over petty concerns. Disagreements over the council's attempts to involve themselves in loca family lives and a small outbreak of disease are the main village concerns. The local priest is a proud enforcer of Hainish Culture who sits on the village council.   Gurnrev is a peripheral village in the Northeast, connected to Krechkran by a semi-informal dirt path. The area has lots of overlap with the neighboring county of Tolinchoff, and the local knights divide the land into a patchwork of confusing property and taxation boundaries. As an inherited right from the old Theian days, the local villagers get to elect a miller in Gurnrev, who is the closest thing to a mayor. The current miller is a charismatic old-timer, though they are facing an electoral challenge of a younger sort. Gurnrev has a few local normal problems, but it also has an issue with local livestock vanishing in the night. Whether this is brigands, raids from Yohenstern, or a monster is unknown. The local priest is an eccentric mystic.   Delkench is a village built around a shrine on the path leading into the hills to the North. The shrine, dedicated to the agricultural god Rugon as well as the head god Ustav, is attended to by a small group of monks that report to the Rosgen in Keilbar. Recently, a scandal surrounding supposed corrupt religious practices led to one faction of monks ousting the former leadership and taking control themselves - the new leader is a charismatic former warrior.    Lingoin is a village West of Krechkran, on the road connecting the Keilbarbolk to the rest of Anderyorn. This small trading village is mostly governed by an informal council of local farmers and craftsmen. The village is generally quite prosperous and stable, though there is an ongoing minor issue with pests - and with a conman who has come to the village to make money off that problem. The local priest is a disgraced member of the lower gentry, who is finding redemption as a village priest. 

South Keilbarbolk

Tolbish to the direct West of Keilbar, is a small castle known as Castle Tolbish watches over a village of the same name. A series of small watchtowers connect with Tolbish, observing the Southern part of the boundary of the Geinsteinn Wilds. Tolbish is a lightly populated area of farms and lumberyards, almost directly controlled by the city watch and government. The Southern part of Tolbish is run by Firetower Preserve, a Ketarun Cat Preserve on the Karpend Peninsula that operates a lighthouse at the tip. Only one knightly family. Local priest is a gruff veteran of the wasteland.   Tiltegba Hills to the East of Keilbar, refers to both the hill ridge and the village of the same name. Tiltegba is mostly small terrace farms and shepherds, as the rocky hills resist agriculture as best they can. Clay from the hills is excellent, and claydigging for export to Keilbar is the most lucrative local industry. There was a claydiggers strike only recently over the exploitation of the floating labor population, with some concessions given - the community is still tender about the topic. Only one knightly family, with a feudal ruler who is known to be a bit of a pushover to other elites. The local priest is a stern old conservative, stodgy but nothing unusual.   Rosenmay, East of Keilbar on the Cenotaph Road, lies on the way to Yohenstern. A fishing village, surrounded by lush foggy forests and abundant farmland. Has an inn, and a local mayor chosen by the local knights. The current mayor is well-respected and skilled - a retired lawyer from the city with family in the village. Recently, a strange illness washed in from the sea that mostly affected Dryads and plant-starspawn, but paladins and doctors from the city helped contain and cure it. Some worry it may return, though, given its mysterious start. The local priest is a Cult of Varsha member who has relatives in the city.
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