Krivsha Settlement in Halika | World Anvil
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Krivsha is a palatial and clerical settlement in the Anderyorn Crownlands, with a small permanent town attached. Krivsha's population balloons during religious festivals and when royals hold court here, but shrinks quickly for the rest of the year - creating an odd sense of the town as partially abandoned and a large shell of itself during the off-season.   Krivsha is built on ancient ruins of uncertain age - possibly from old Verzavek in the 1300s, possibly far older. These ruins have been built into some of the buildings, but remain prominent in the clerical district, called The Garden. The Garden is the seat of power of Anderyorn's Rosgen and clerical bureaucracy. It sits parallel to the Royal District, the warm season crown palace and court buildings, across the main road and market.   Krivsha sits at an essential crossroads: The Wintercrown road heading West to the Kingdom of Vetenka and East to Keilbar intersects with the Anderyorn Road connecting the coast to the frontier at Krivsha.


1,500 humanoids live in Krivsha year-round, though the town can support twice as many at maximum capacity.


The secular authority here is the Royal Steward Vuldra Hordendev - a respected and fair Half-Dryad starspawn woman born of the local gentry. Vuldra is a loyal and lawful vassal of the Queen, though certainly a knight known for her wary and bristly demeanor. Vuldra prioritizes the operation, cleanliness, and order of the town over profit, and is fond of offering generous tax breaks to those who provide local services.   The Lady Steward runs a small local bureaucracy here: couriers that operate across the crownlands, archivists keeping records of crown edicts and communications, and a small pack of local officials whose job is to keep the town clean, orderly, and well-stocked. She also manages a small group of Seneschals and Butlers, who manage the substantial servant population.    The religious authority here is the Rosgen of Anderyorn: Mother Halasha Keltoga. Mother Halasha is a generous startouched human woman tied deeply into the kingdom's cult of Varsha. She is stoic and somewhat cold as a person, but deeply and authentically called to do good with her power. She isn't without ambition of course, and she is far more skilled in politics than in inspiring her fellow clergy, but she has been generally content as the Queen's favorite and de facto head cleric in all of Dovenar. Mother Halasha has been increasingly successful at currying favor with the Autumn Court, but has not had the most loyal or supportive subordinate priests.    Mother Halasha's bureaucracy is much more substantial than the Lady Steward's. The Rosgen has a robust library and archive, monastic quarters for Questing Chapel Monks, a small druidic/theological teaching staff, and a small bureaucratic outpost of the Autumn Court itself. It isn't like this is immense by foreign standards, but locally this is quite serious.


Krivsha's infrastructure is a bit tenuous, but works well enough. The town depends on well-water and a mix of communal latrines and seasonal garbage and sewage removal. Much of the infrastructure in the outer housing is entirely seasonal, as the housing is expected to be empty during winter months. Similarly, these outer parts of town are not well-constructed to insulate against the cold.


Royal District: The royal district is the Summer palace and its surrounding manors and servant neighborhoods, in the Northeastern part of town. Overlooked by Castle Krivsha. Lightly walled.   Garden District: The clerical district, in Southeastern town. Walled.   The Crossroads Market: The center of town, a bustling center of commerce with many shops and open fairgrounds   Guildtown: An extension of the Crossroads market, a district of artisans and peddlers. Northwestern town.   Summertown: A district of temporary housing, for visitors, pilgrims, jurists, supplicants, divided into several categories by class. Mostly empty and much cheaper during winter.

Guilds and Factions

Palace Staff and Guard: The keepers of the royal palace, agents of the Lady Steward who rule the town in the name of the Queen. These come in several flavors:
  • the upper serving staff, who hold high status and involve themselves in servant neighborhoods
  • Town officials, around 2 to 6 people who act as the deputies of the Steward. The officials check the streets for cleanliness, help investigate criminal matters, and handle matters of public concern
  • The Palace Guard, led by two captains of the palace who report to the Steward and Queen's Guard. They mostly protect the palace, though can be drawn into town if there is violence beyond what the officials, sheriff, and town militias can handle
  Rosgen's Clerics: Clerks, priests, and monks of the standard clergy, commanded by the Rosgen. Several sub-factions exist: 
  • The Questing Monks, that organize and communicate bounty postings and quest requests
  • Representatives of the Autumn Court - a small group, mostly interested in Honor verification 
  • Slevenkine monks, who operate a small prison tower for royalty
  • These sub-groups are mostly obedient to the Rosgen and don't currently have their own agendas.
Guilds: Dovenaran guilds are small artisan associations that have influence over town functions and infrastructure, and which control who can practice what trade. There are a handful of small guilds in Krivsha, each with a small guildhall and shrine. Notably, there are the tailors, weavers, cooks, cobblers, entertainers, and carpenters guilds.    Rose Knights: The Order of the Sacred Rose has an outpost and permanent presence here, and are closely allied with the royal guard.    Keilbar Merchants: The Burghers of Keilbar have a presence here, offering lines of credit and investing in the local shops and market.

Points of interest

Temple of the Sacred Lancer: A temple to Lady Zistrella, a spectral knight who emerged from the Geinsteinn Wilds over three hundred years ago to drive invaders from the land. Lady Zistrella is the spiritual symbol of Dovenar and its monarchs, as well as anonymous and miraculous heroism. As such, cultists and paladins of Wimbo, God of Heroes often congregate at this temple. In July, they meet for a grand festival of two holidays: the Hero's Honor Feast, and Olmeiron (a holiday celebrating the vanquishing of the ancient invaders). The temple integrates in the greatest ancient ruins of the area, giving it an antiquated and ancient feeling. A great holy relic, Lady Zistrella's ethereal lance, is kept here by the local priests. In the Garden District.   Summer Palace of Dovenar: The center of royal power, where court is held whenever the Queen is in town.   Grand Temple of the Sacred Kin: The center of clerical power, a cathedral in the Garden District. Also the highest judicial body in the Kingdom of Dovenar.    Rosgen's Garden: The palace of the Rosgen, that is also the druidic circle center.   Autumn Tower: A small tower that is the outpost of the Autumn Court in the town.    The Red Tower: A small tower that is a prison for the Queen of Dovenar, and an outpost for the Slevenkine Order  Crossroads Plaza: The central market square, where the greatest summer, late spring, and early fall festivals are held.    Rosy Hall: A knightly hall belonging to the @Rose
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