Hollowed Hills Geographic Location in Halika | World Anvil
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Hollowed Hills

The Hollowed Hills are not imposing from a distance; they are but humble hills, yellow-brown and covered in shrubs. A bit barren, but not exceptionally dangerous. And yet, they have claimed many lives over the years.    The Hills are positions at a critical gap on the border between the Kingdom of Dovenar and The Kingdom of Hain. The hills are between the Halvzarmoor and the Nemenmoor (two barren moors known for their ruthless Ketarun Cat overlords). For this reason, armies have often clashed here - these hills are the key position in controlling the gap. Armies clashed so often, and such volumes of Ederstone have been deployed so many times, that the hills have crumbled from the inside. They are now a deathtrap, wearing the skin of the old landscape.   Large swaths of the Hollowed Hills are, as the name suggests, completely hollow. Great depths sharp spines and adhesive weblike strands wait in the darkness below, and the insects that feed on those that fall are quick to repair the damage - sealing the victims underground as they bleed out. Ghosts and monsters hide in the deepest depths of the Hollows - too scared of the nearby military compounds to hunt on the surface, but eager to prey on both the fallen and their would-be rescuers.    The Hollowed Hills have gone from a strategic position to a natural barrier, a strengthening of the border between Andrig and Hain. The Hollowed Hills have both blocked Hainish peasants from fleeing to sanctuaries of Theia the Liberator and have been deadly traps for fleeing refugees during Scourings.    Two Castle-towns border the Hollowed Hills: Parstovar Castle (controlled by Dovenar) and Tilenret (controlled by Hain).
Rolling Hills
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