Harshnag Character in Goat Lips Campaign | World Anvil
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Harshnag is a male frost giant who recently started working for the Lords' Alliance.

Campaign Recap

Harshnag Ready to Help Fight the Dragon

  • On Day 22 of the campaign (4 Mirtul), Garaele Edermath sent the following message to Herb Stoner: "Don-Jon told us what happened. Glad you’re OK. Granddad and I agreed to fight dragon with Don-Jon and someone named Harshnag. What’s next for you?" Herb answered, saying that he and the rest of Collateral Damage were in Leilon, and they were planning to leave for Gnomengarde soon.
  • On Day 24 (6 Mirtul), Garaele messaged Herb again, this time saying "We’re leaving for Gnomengarde in the morning. Don-Jon is excited. Meet you there? Harshnag is going to Icespire Peak before us to scout the dragon." Herb answered, saying yes, they'll meet them at Gnomengarde. After Garaele, Daran and Don-Jon arrived in Gnomengarde the following day, the two groups talked with each other, and Don-Jon gave Collateral Damage more information about Harshnag (that he showed up in Neverwinter recently and has been working for the Lords' Alliance).
  • On Day 29 (11 Mirtul), as Collateral Damage was preparing their last stretch of travel toward Icespire Peak, Garaele messaged Herb, saying "We contacted Harshnag. He found an abandoned elf village southeast of Icespire Peak. He’s waiting for you to meet him there."

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In Tarsakh 1492, Harshnag arrived in Neverwinter and spoke with members of the town guard at the city gates. He warned them about a white dragon that flew in that direction and asked if the city was OK. The guards called for their captain, who then met with Harshnag.

After receiving an approval from Lord Dagult Neverember, the town guard offered to hire Harshnag to patrol the area surrounding the city gates and warn them of similar threats. Harshnag agreed.


Aligned Organization

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