Skyglass Material in Glass Immortals | World Anvil


Skyglass is the light-blue godglass that calms the nerves and mind. People often use it to lull them to sleep or to curb strong emotional reactions, such as anger or fear.   STORY   Demir Grappo regularly uses skyglass. During the Holikan massacre, Demir reaches for his skyglass in his pocket to handle the trauma but fails to find the dexterity or presence of mind with which to single it out and wear it, instead dropping all his godglass into the mud. Years later, he regularly uses skyglass to calm his nerves and help him sleep. When Capric Vorcien tells Demir that his mother has been killed, he offers Demir a bit of skyglass to help him think through the sorrow. After being burned by fearglass at the Ivory Forest Glassworks, Demir staves off the pain and encroaching madness with some skyglass long enough to tell Thessa Foleer to go get Baby Montego for help. Baby then continues to apply skyglass to Demir to keep him from mentally slipping away completely. Later, when visiting the Maerhorn to speak to the Inner Assembly, Demir uses skyglass to avoid feeling intimidated or nervous. After taking control of the Ossan Foreign Legion, Demir unconsciously takes a bit of skyglass out of his pocket and grips it tightly in his fist during his confrontation against Tilly Jorfax, indicating how difficult being back in a military position is for him.   Kissandra Vorcien uses skyglass to overcome the trauma of seeing all the bodies in the Bingham Brawler's Club, allowing her to push through the realization of being the only living person in a house full of corpses. She later uses skyglass to calm herself after witnesses The Tall Man murder all the national guardsmen in Watchhouse #187 right before her eyes. Diaguni brings her a better piece of skyglass and some brandy to calm her down so she can make a full report of the massacre to her father. Kizzies later uses skyglass again when she and Baby accost Aelia Dorlani's carriage to calm her nervousness about doing something so reckless. When she and Montego run away from the Tall Man in Zorlian Mansion, she fumbles for a piece of skyglass to help calm her terror only to realize she had already put it on, suggesting her fear outweighs the sorcery's ability to help. She continues to wear it during their fight against the Glass Knife acolytes.