Parisan Birthday Spars Tradition / Ritual in Ethnis | World Anvil

Parisan Birthday Spars

I remember my Birthday Spar. I learned the meaning of humility. I learned how important endurance was, and I learned how much my family had been holding back on me in our spars before.


The Parisan Birthday Spars are a coming of age ritual in which a Parisan who reaches adulthood spends a portion of the day sparring any who wishes to test their mettle. Their can be anywhere from three to a hundred fights all against the same person.


A Warriors Tradition

The Parisan are a Sazashi whose culture centers around the glory of battle and defense. As such, when a Parisan comes to age, his combat-worthiness is put to the test in a series of spars. Anyone can offer to spar the birthday boy, and it is only in rare circumstances that the birthday celebrator denies the fights.

Anywhere, Anytime

Birthday Spars can happen anywhere, they can be as organized or disorganized as the family wishes. Some will rent out an Estates Arena for an entire day just so the Parisan coming of age can have a place for the spars to occur. Others will be so sporadic that spars can occur over dinner or during a round of ales.

It is encouraged for those challening the Parisan coming of age to not go easy. The spars can lead to some nasty bruises, but as is Parisan culture, humilty is as important as raw strength.

I've seen a couple of coming of ages with Kona. Never been brave enough to put my arm into the ring, humans sparring against Parisan typically doesn't go well.

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You leave your Coming of Age with welts of humility and smiles of camraderie. There is never bad blood in it, that's just not the Parisan way.

Cover image: Antti Hakosaari by Antti Hakosaari


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