Cloud Worms

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This article was created for my Species-A-Day project for 2024! Read more here!
Cloud worms are a species living in the clouds above the dewdrop peaks. They eat lyathos and lyathos powder, which give them the ability to fly through the clouds; the ability which gives the worms their names.

Basic Information


Cloud worms are small and thin creatures, rarely reaching even a foot long. They move by contracting and expanding their bodies, pushing them across the air to where they want to go. The majority of their body's interior is their digestive system, leading from their mouths to the other end of their bodies. They have five hearts located across their small bodies, allowing for blood flow and circulation. Cloud worms do not need oxygen, and have no way of breathing.

Genetics and Reproduction

Cloud worms reproduce asexually through parthenogenesis. Each worm has all of the organs required for reproduction, which allow them to release and lay eggs, also known as cocoons, which grow into hatchlings and then adults. They tend to lay their eggs on the underside of bubbletree branches, allowing their young some protection from the sun. Cloud worms abandon their eggs after laying them.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Cloud worms require two things to survive: lyathos (or its powder), and water. They are capable of aquasynthesis, able to create some of their nutrients from the water in the air itself - which is much more available in the clouds that they make their homes in. They require lyathos in order to remain floating in the air, lest they fall to the ground far below them. They also obtain some of their remaining nutrients from these crystals.

Symbiotic Species

Cloud worms can often be found resting on the backs of cloudwhales. This allows them to take breaks from expending energy crawling around in the air, and also provides them a source of lyathos powder, as excess is excreted from the whales' skin. This is helpful to the whales, allowing them to maintain a steady altitude.
3-7 years
Average Length
2-8 inches
Geographic Distribution
Cloud Worms by notahumanhand

Uses: Cloud Worms & Cuisine

Cloud worms are surprisingly high in nutrients, for their small bodies. The angels that live in the dewdrop peaks will often pick these worms right out of the air and plop them right into their mouths, as a quick snack while on the go. For the more discerning palette, the worms can be cooked to have a crunchy texture and less watery taste.


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Dec 30, 2023 00:01 by Aster Blackwell

When I saw "cloud worm" my first image was some sort of epic, hundred meter long demon of the skies. Instead I got these little guys, and I'm not complaining in the slightest!! <3 I love them

Dec 30, 2023 01:11 by spleen

thank you! i already had a large animal for the clouds, so i wanted to add a smaller one :>

Have a wonderful day!
Dec 31, 2023 01:53 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Awww, small wormies. <3 I love the art you did of them. I like the idea of them hitching a ride on the back of cloud whales. :D

Dec 31, 2023 02:22 by spleen

thank you!

Have a wonderful day!
Jan 13, 2024 17:36 by Olarae & Astaroth Arcaine

What a unique (is somewhat disconcerting) concept! Absolutely love the symbiotic relationship they have with cloudwhales, though it does pose the question if these wriggly little critters have and predators since they seem so benign?! You've certainly left me wanting to know more - fantastic work!

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Jan 13, 2024 22:51 by spleen

thank you! they most likely do, in the birds that live in the region - something i'll probably write about at some point this year

Have a wonderful day!