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The Independence Wars

The Independence Wars were a short-yet-bloody conflict fought between each of the Ramerian Successor States and the Ramerian Empire, although the latter only participated in it for the first month before falling back onto islands, leaving the mainland open for the machinations of the newly emerging powers. It resulted from the disastrous Xingqin War that culminated in the Godhammer incident.
There are estimates of over 200 independent factions existing during the war, yet most of them were quickly absorbed by neighbouring, stronger factions, either through forceful annexation or by joining them voluntarily.

The Eastern Front

Grand Vailia was the first nation to declare its independence and already started its expansion long before the start of the Independence Wars. Once it started in earnest, however, they had long, drawn-out battles with the old Ramerian forces, who were still stationed around their territory from the Trelas campaign. They also didn't spare any time to send out armies of mercenaries to the surrounding settlements to capture them, mercilessly razing them if they refuse to swear fealty to the Merchant Dukes.
Once they arrived at the , their Expansion to the west stopped - on the one hand, because of how difficult it is to invade over the major stream, and on the other, because the Vailians rely heavily on trade, with Azgaar being a perfect partner thanks to their strong economy mixed with a rather weak, decentralized army.
In the south, war with Casteria soon broke out, however, because they granted protection to the settlements that were scared of Vailia for their brutal and ruthless attacks. These battles saw Vailia as the clear winner, yet the local populace started conducting guerilla warfare against them, forcing them back again and creating an unstable border between the two nations.

The Southern Front

There hasn't been a unified government in the very south of Rameria until the end of the war, instead only consisting of coalitions between settlements to defend each other. To their east, the Casterians offered a number of border towns part of their wealth in exchange for help in the war on the Eastern Front, yet they never made military excursions towards it.
In the west, things didn't look quite so rosy: the Darcozzi Order quickly seized most of the rich mines located in the and expanded both North and South. On the Southern front, they made massive gains, capitalizing on their uniquely professional army that went up against mostly untrained militia. By the end of the war, they owned swathes of land on the Southern coast, yet when Cerwood united they were forced back towards the . Ever since they are amassing a new army in preparation of launching a campaign of reconquest.

The Northern Front

The North is where fighting was the least fierce: the border between Vailia and Azgaar only saw minimal skirmishes before a ceasefire was established, while Azgaar's border with Casteria saw no fighting at all. As a matter of fact, the old royal houses of Azgaar were quick to send secret shipments of supplies and other resources to the south, in a bid to ensure that Vailia doesn't win the war, as they feared that the rest of the continent would swiftly follow if the merchant dukes managed to capture .
The front with the Darcozzi was a lot less peaceful, however: the religious order managed to capture most of Azgaar's important mines, and even then were poised to continue their advances into the old political heartland of the empire. It was only through humiliating concessions that they managed to convince the Darcozzi to cast their gaze southwards instead.

The Independence Wars

Conflict Type

Attacking Side
Ramerian Successor States
Defending Side
Ramerian Empire
21st of , 663
7th of , 663

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