The Godhammer was a massive bomb that destroyed Trelas V during the Xingqin War.
The Godhammer was a last ditch effort to turn the war around: Emperor Frederick II commanded his most capable Correspondents to use their newly attained knowledge to create a magical bomb.
Through careful study and testing, they managed to write down single sigils of the Correspondence on pieces of Nevercold Brass which caused it to burst into fire in an explosion-esque manner.
They constructed a machine that would imprint seven sigils on a thick sphere of Nevercold Brass in the hopes of creating a considerably larger explosion than the already dangerous ones observed in earlier experiments. Due to the immense resource- and time-cost of the machine, no actual tests were performed on it and the Correspondents were forced to extrapolate its effect from what they knew.
It is not publicly known which sigils were imprinted in the Godhammer in the end, yet the devils seem to be very interested in it.Impact
The Godhammer's explosion turned out to be a lot larger than the projections suggested and instead of simply blowing up the camp after it was overrun by the Xingqin forces, it scorched the whole island, claiming countless lives on both sides.
Part of the ensuing peace treaty stipulated the ban on all Correspondence-induced weaponry, yet it is questionable whether the powers that be will actually stay away from this massive new energy sourceRemove these ads. Join the Worldbuilders Guild