Dragonborn Species in Elendor | World Anvil
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T hose born of Scale, Flesh and Magic.
These are the Sons and Daughters of the Faith
The Pride and Power of a Dragon
With Flexibility and Ambition to become Greater
Those born of the Dragon, Made manifest.
  - From the Creation Myth of Dragonborn

Basic Information


Dragonborn take many of their physical appearance from that of a Dragon. Scaled bodies, with long slightly pointed snouts and sharp rows of teeth made for tearing meat from the bone.   But they have features that are much more similiar to that of the average bipedal species. Two arms, two legs, a singular head. Tails arnt uncommon but not all Dragonborn are born with them. Claws and horns are similar in that not all Dragonborn have ones that could be used to injure a person.   Dragonborn are muscular. Powerfully built most of the time, with conventually attractive body shapes. Broad backs, powderkeg chests and powerful arms are a natural development for many Dragonborn who work in phsyical labour.

Genetics and Reproduction

Dragonborn are one of the few non-planiar beings that can reproduce with all of the sapiant races of the known material plain. Gestation tends toward similar lenth as Humans and Human Mixed babies.

Growth Rate & Stages

Dragonborn tend to reach maturity around fifteen years of age. They tend to begin reaching adolecense around the age of twelve.   Between the ages of twelve and fifteen, many Dragonborn experiance a growth spurt. This can cause their horns to sprout, tail to enlongate and thicken along with the other natural effects of hitting physical maturity.

Ecology and Habitats

Dragonborn can be found all across the known material plain. Its very rare to find a place that doesnt have at least one dragonborn family in it.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Dragonborn tend to stray away from pure vegetarian diets. Due to the nature of there needs when it comes to protein and calorie intake, if they were to live on a pure plant based diet they would be underfed at best due to the incredible energy required in moving around a body that is often seven feet tall and weighing close to three hundred pounds.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

All Dragonborn are naturally magical. Each of them have a natural breath weapon and a innate resistance to that element. Such as Black Dragons being able to produce a gout of acid, Gold Dragons being able to Breath fire and Steel dragons being able to produce a posionous smog.   Aside from that, Dragonborn can have a tougher, hide like skin that matches their dragonic ancestory, Wings or even both if the Dragonblood runs strong through their veins.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
90-110 Years
Average Height
1.9-2.6 Meters
Average Weight
Related Ethnicities

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
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