Horkfell Settlement in Ebresia | World Anvil
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Horkfell is a small town built at the base of the Peaks of Hecron. Neighbors to the Monks of Nakal, the people of Horkfell have endured multiple invasions by the Orcs who live in the Peaks. Horkfell offers free combat training to Ruthorian human teens.


Horkfell's population is predominantly human, but dwarves exiled from their clans in the Dolset Snowfields tend to settle down here. There is also a high population of halflings due to the profitable alcohol business in Horkfell.


The Pekka who lives in Horkfell is a good friend of Hordam Nesk, head of house Neska (which no doubt contributed to his position). He is known to be particularly brutal in tax collection, allowing very few exceptions if you cannot pay. He is not liked, but he does his job well enough. His name is Atler Scourge.


Horkfell has soldiers of House Neska working as guards along with a regular guard force. This is possible due to the close connection between Hordam Nesk, head of house Neska and Atler Scourge , mayor of Horkfell.

Industry & Trade

The citizens of Horkfell have very close ties to the monks of Nakal and export their Mystra's Majesty wine for them. They also participate in brewing themselves, with the popular brand of wine Drakeswing being brewed there.


  • Hot springs: Horkfell takes advantage of the natural hot springs of the Peaks of Hecron.


Horkfell is divided into two districts, the high district, and the low district. The low district is where most of all the locals live and work, with the high district only being occupied by the upper class of Horkfell. The low district is centralized at the foot of the Peaks of Hecron, and the high district is more decentralized and located slightly higher on the mountains.


Horkfell is a popular tourist location for the upper-class of Ruthoria due to it's wonderful natural hot springs.


All of the buildings in Horkfell are made from the same white stone that makes up the Peaks of Hecron. These walls are normally matched with colorful roofs and doors to create a nice contrast.


Horkfell is located at the foot of the Peaks of Hecron, and its relatively chilly all year around.

Natural Resources

  • Metals, stone, and gems: Various minerals and gemstones can be mined and extracted from the Peaks of Hecron, though there isn't much there of high value so most generally don't bother.
  • Hot springs: Horkfell has easy access to the natural hot springs of the Peaks of Hecron, with the town being built around them initially.


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