The Tepid Tap Building / Landmark in Ebresia | World Anvil
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The Tepid Tap

The Tepid Tap is a small hovel of a tavern located in Citadel Fornyr's South Gate district. It is frequented by the lowest-class humans in Citadel Fornyr, and fights are common.

Purpose / Function

To provide a place for the ultra-poor of Citadel Fornyr to drink their troubles away.


From the outside, The Tepid Tap looks like a rough-hewn stone cottage. The inside isn't much different, besides the wooden floors always being slick with spilled ale and blood.


Tyrone Trigger has had his Ruthorian combat training and knows how to use a shortsword. Additionally, the beggers who frequent the tavern are willing to throw their lives away for the place that fuels their alcohol addiction.


  • A small room to sleep in located in the cellar for 1 SP/night (there is only 5 rooms total)
  • Various cheap food items
  • Ale for 4 CP/mug
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Parent Location


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