Timber Toys Building / Landmark in Ebresia | World Anvil
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Timber Toys

Timber Toys is a market stall located in the South Gate market of Citadel Fornyr. It is run by a male human named Barry Pork.


The stall is made from wood, and has a wooden overhang with the words "Timber Toys" painted onto it in pink paint.


Barry Pork has had his Ruthorian combat training, and knows how to wield a longsword.

Plot hooks

  • Barry Pork's 16-year-old daughter Brenna Pork died a year ago. She was found murdered in the backstreets of the Deepstone district, but the guards couldn't find any clue as to who the killer could be. The case was dropped quickly, as the guard had better things to do than look for the killer of some South Gate district man's daughter, but Barry knows his daughter's killer is still at large. He'd be willing to pay all of his savings (100 GP) to anyone who can bring him definitive proof of the untimely death of his daughter's murderer. The proof he is looking for is his daughter's gold chain necklace inset with a small red gem, which the murderer wears around her neck. The murderer is a female dwarf thug and member of The Silver Hammer. She can be found in the undercity black market, looking for trouble.


  • Small wheeled wooden animal toys for 5 SP each
Market stall
Parent Location


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