Guild-made Smithy Building / Landmark in Ebresia | World Anvil
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Guild-made Smithy

Guild-made Smithy is a long market stall outside the Citadel Fornyr blacksmith's guildhall in the High Town market of Citadel Fornyr. Multiple people run it including a haughty dwarf named Henrick Hammer-Forged who always assures customers that no other blacksmith in the city could compare to the guild. This stall is the only storefront that directly sells the guilds items, with the guild having many deals with stores and organizations around the territory of House Battleborn.

Purpose / Function

To directly sell items made by the Citadel Fornyr blacksmith's guild to the general public.


The stand itself is a long wooden block located under the awning of the Citadel Fornyr blacksmith's guildhall. On the front of the stand the words "Guild-made" are written in red paint. On top of the stand is a long red tablecloth which the items for sale are placed on top of. These items are labeled with price tags.


Two city guards and/or mercenaries stand watch in front of the guildhall's door and will spring into action if anything is taken from the stand. City guards posted in the High Town market also tend to linger around the stand due to the valuable nature of its merchandise.


  • All medium and heavy armor for 8 GP less than normal (except hide armor)
  • Shields for 8 GP
  • Various everyday tools like nails or horseshoes
  • Spears for 1 GP
  • Handaxes, maces, and pikes for 4 GP
  • Battleaxes, flails, mauls, and shortswords, for 8 GP
  • Longswords, warhammers, and morningstars for 13 GP
  • More weapons are available if specifically requested
Market stall
Parent Location
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization


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