St. Carnegie Cathedral Building / Landmark in Ebresia | World Anvil
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St. Carnegie Cathedral (Car-nay-g-e)

A huge base of power of the Church of Erathis in Citadel Fornyr. It is located in the High Town District, directly across the High Town market from Castle Battleborn, and is the home of most church members in the city. It is run by Sonia Carnegie, Arbiter of Erathis, though was named after her father Saint Trenint Carnegie. Sonia has not earned the title of saint yet and wants more than anything to share in the glory of her father's reputation in the church.

Purpose / Function

To provide a place of church administration and primary place of worship (of Erathis) in Citadel Fornyr. It also acts as the primary courthouse in the city, with Yort Fiddle acting as the primary judge for lesser offenses. Sonia Carnegie herself acts as judge for more serious offenses. Additionally, this cathedral acts as the seat of power for church affairs within the entire territory of House Battleborn, managing most inquisitions and church affairs within the area.


The cathedral is a huge gothic-styled rectangular church with many buttresses coming off all sides. A large bell tower is located at the northeasternmost point of the cathedral, which is rung every day at 6:00 AM, 12:00 PM, and 6:00 PM to call citizens near the cathedral inside for prayer (and also to wake up the city, who usually sleep until 6:00 AM and wake with the bell).


Many priests and Adjudicators of Erathis spend their days and nights in the church, all with the capability of channeling their goddesses divine power in an offensive or defensive manner. Additionally, knights sworn to the church patrol its halls all hours of the day (and night), watching for any potential troublemakers.


The cathedral is somewhat obscure among Ruthorians, as Citadel Fornyr is not known for being the best tourist city. However, the cathedral is occasionally visited by citizens who live in House Battleborn territory, who have heard of it through church endeavors in the area.
"As you enter the large archway into the nave, you have to cover your eyes from the heavenly light pouring into the room from the lancet windows placed parralel on both walls. Lines of wooden benches are set on both sides of the room, stopping at the transept. The transept is identifiable as a transept, though there are walls seperating the nave area from the left transept, the right transept, and where the apse would normally be. The alter is located againt the back wall instead of the apse, and a portrait depicting a man dressed in church atire preaching to what seems to be a group of orcs is hung above it. In the far left and right corners of the room are two large identical well-kept bronze statues of a blindfolded woman holding a balance scale. Depictions of the same woman seem to be carved into the walls around the nave." -Description upon entering St. Carnegie Cathedral
"As enter one of the doors besides the alter, you enter what appears to be a semi-circular courtroom where the apse would be if it was a smaller church. Against the wall directly besides you is a raised platform atop which is the defendent's stand, and directly accross from it on the opposite side of the room on an even higher platform is the judge's stand. To the left and right of the judge's bench built in acending rows are the spectator seats, and directly below the judge's bench are 5 jury seats. The imposing visage of a bronze Erathis statue looms over the room with an unbearably neutral expression on her face." -Description of the St. Carnegie Cathedral courtroom
Cathedral / Great temple
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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