Castle Battleborn Building / Landmark in Ebresia | World Anvil
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Castle Battleborn

The walled fortress in which the high-ranking members of house Battleborn and their court live. It is located in the northern portion of the High Town district in Citadel Fornyr. The fortress sets House Battleborn apart from the other Ruthorian noble houses, who usually live in manors or private estates away from their subjects.


Castle Battleborn is a concentric stone brick castle. By itself its very grey, drab, and imposing. Sarvon Battleborn is not fond of drab things, so the castle is often adorned with huge banners of the Ruthorian Empire, house Battleborn, and the Church of Erathis.


The castle is patrolled by elite house Battleborn knights at all hours, day and night.
"As you enter through the huge stone archway into the throne room you step onto a red carpet that leads to two gigantic banners hanging at the end of the room, one of house Battleborn and the other of the Ruthorian Empire. In between the banners is a huge portrait of a maned lion wearing a circlet inset with blue gemstones. Below the portrait is a cushioned stone throne on a raised platform, and atop it sits a muscular man with a huge unkempt brown beard interlaced with streaks of grey. A small crown sits atop his head and he casually leans forward on a huge greatsword. The same lion depicted in the portrait lazily lounges next to the throne, circlet placed atop his head. Behind the lion stands a disheveled-looking man wearing long grey robes who eyes you suspiciously."- Description of the Castle Battleborn throne room
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