Ruthorian Ethnicity in Ebresia | World Anvil
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Ruthorian is a blanket term for the ethnic groups located in Ruthoria and the Montane Flat. They are a militaristic and honorable people, with a large portion of them being trained in combat due to the Ruthorian combat training provided by the Ruthorian Empire.

Ethnic sub-groups

These sub-groups can be found all across Ruthoria and the Montane Flat, though their appearance can be used to trace their ancestry back to particular prairie tribes.
  • Native central Ruthorians from central Ruthoria tend to have white skin and hair that is either black or brown.
  • Montane Ruthorians from the Montane Flat are unique among Ruthorians, as they have tan skin and bright ginger hair.
  • Northern Ruthorians from northeast Ruthoria usually resemble central Ruthorians. The only difference is that in some instances, northern Ruthorians may have blond hair as they are more likely to have mixed with the Dolsen people at some point.

Major organizations


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