Giantsbane combat school Building / Landmark in Ebresia | World Anvil
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Giantsbane combat school

A large Ruthorian combat school in Horkfell. Offers free combat training to Ruthorian youth, taught by Arwen Stool, giantsbane, an old veteran. The school is funded by Atler Scourge at behest of house Neska. Youths from Horkfell, Holley's Way, and Bandolodge are often sent here to get trained in the art of combat so they can further enforce the law of the empire.

Purpose / Function

To provide a place for the Ruthorian youths of northeastern Ruthoria to get their free formal combat training, all paid for by the Ruthorian Empire.


The school has been expanded multiple times since its original construction, and more teachers besides just Arwen Stool have been hired.


The school isn't much of a school and is instead more of a large courtyard with some buildings scattered around. The majority of the grounds are for training and practicing form via lessons and sparring. There are also areas to practice archery. The buildings located on the edges of school grounds are mostly armories to store practice weapons that would be harmed by adverse weather. There is a building larger than the others, which is the personal home of Arwen Stool.


Arwen Stool is a highly-trained veteran soldier, and is always ready to defend himself and his students if neccicary.
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