Thaliost Settlement in Eberron | World Anvil


Thaliost is a large city in what is now northern Thrane. The area, and the city, used to be part of Aundair, but was confirmed as Thrane territory by the Treaty of Thronehold at the end of the Last War after having been originally captured 80 years before in 926 YK. The citizens still largely consider themselves Aundairan and are torn between bitterness at their political abandonment by their homeland and anger at the seemingly harsh theocratic regime that currently rules the area with a necessarily firm hand.   Riots and small acts of disturbance are not rare occurances and because of this, Thrane has a large garrison of knights in the city, who mostly maintain order.   The city's White Arch Bridge used to connect via Lightning Rail to the city of Rekkenmark in Karrnath across the Scions Sound, but has not been repaired since the bridge was destroyed by order of King Kaius I in 899 YK.


After Thrane occupation of the city in 926 YK, the city has been the control of Archbishop Solgar Dariznu. The laws dictated by the church are as gospel to the Archbishop's council.


Thaliost doesn’t look like other Thrane cities with its skyraking towers, magically shaped stonework, treelined boulevards, and wide-open spaces. It looks more like Fairhaven, the capital of Aundair, which isn’t surprising since Thaliost was once an Aundairian city.


Thrane conquered Thaliost and the surrounding territory in 926 YK and spent the next two years trying to annex the region. Aundairian soldiers made a halfhearted attempt to reclaim the city in 927 YK, but they were too few in number to uproot the entrenched Thranes. The knights thought the city was theirs until the Aundairian commoners revolted in 928 YK. The Council of Cardinals tried to starve the Thaliosans into submission. Eventually, the instigators were captured and burned alive.   That same year, a magical conflagration destroyed the colossal White Arch Bridge that spanned Scions Sound between Thaliost and Rekkenmark, severing the lightning rail line and breaking Thrane’s surest link into Karrnath. Exactly who destroyed the bridge—Aundairians, Karnns, or Thranes—remains a mystery.
Alternative Name(s)
The City of Strife
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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