Rhukaan Draal Settlement in Eberron | World Anvil

Rhukaan Draal

Rhukaan Draal is a sprawling goblinoid metropolis, mud and timber huts surround ancient structures of stone and brick, interspersed with canvas tents and pavilions. Most of the roads are bare earth and few of the technological wonders of the five nations are evident there. At the centre of the city dominating the skyline is the Khaar Mbar'ost.

Industry & Trade

Rhukaan Draal is a hotbed of commerce and intrigue. Representatives of every Hobgoblin clan can be found here, along with war criminals, thieves, deserters, dragonmarked excoriates and merchants dealing in goods prohibited within the Five Nations. It is one of the few places in the nation where imported goods can be found.   The Bloody Market is a trade district in the city. The district gets its name from the often violent haggling that occurs between the goblinoids though, if blood is spiled the guards intervene to protect the merchants and not the patrons.

Guilds and Factions

Rhukaan Taash


Mixture of simple goblinoid tents, old Cyran buildings and ancient Ghaal'dar stonework.
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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