Glar Lions Species in Dragonía | World Anvil
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Glar Lions

Óraxtap: Glar
Hritt: Tará
Nartasic: Eperx, perx
Znagrúkic: Mepjók

Glar lions1 are the among the largest felines in Dragonía, only slightly smaller than Ölan Panthers, and top predators of the Sjorg Desert in the southwestern part of the continent. Despite the resemblance, they -along with several smaller species of wildcats found in the region and certain areas of the Múlíat Mountains- are not closely related to those found in western Dragonía, belonging to an entirely different genus.

Basic Information


Compared to ölan panthers, glar lions are stockier, less nimble and possess greater stamina, allowing them to chase their prey for longer where there's no convenient cover for ambushing it, and are generally well adapted to the hot, arid climate of southern and southwestern Dragonía. Their paws, for example, are covered in thick fur to withstand the burning sands during the day.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Glar lions specialize in hunting wild sheep and Sjerg Antelopes, preferring to stalk their prey before pouncing and killing it with a bite to the throat, although smaller creatures are eaten as well if they manage to catch them. The latter are eaten on the spot, while larger carcasses are sometimes dragged into bushes for later consumption.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Glar lions are generally solitary, with each lion having its own territory, the size and boundaries of which often shift depending on the availability of food, but is nonetheless fiercely guarded outside mating season. The only exceptions to this are either lionesses with their cubs, or when prey is plentiful, making competition less of an issue.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Glar lions have long been hunted to some extent by the Kóhans in the Múlíat Mountains, mostly for the skins, fangs and claws which are used to adorn expensive clothing and jewelry, though the meat is consumed as part of certain rituals as well.
During the old Órax Empire, the lions were hunted by the Óraxes both as part of initiation rituals and for sport, to the point that they had become quite rare in that region, but now thrive as the inhabitants of the various Krekkúxan states that succeeded the empire regard the lions as sacred, and only harm those that attack people or livestock.
However, in some Krekkúxan city-states, orphaned cubs encountered in the wild are often raised -pampered even- either by shamans or rulers to assist with hunting wild antelopes and other large prey. Glar lions in captivity are observed closely as part of divination rituals, and upon death are mourned as they were members of the owner's family and given funerals as such.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Glar lions are predominantly found out in the Sjorg Desert or near the lakes that dot the region and, to lesser extent, Kvaror and Darlaa in the northeastern and western parts of the Múlíat Mountains, respectively.

1Original icelandic: glarljón.
Southern Dragonía
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The fur is mostly pale brown, though the coat of glar lions found in the western desert and in the Múlíat Mountains tends to have more reddish hue, both of which provide the animals with good camouflage. The belly is generally paler than the back, and darker stripes are often seen on the lower body, limbs and tail.
Geographic Distribution


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