
Derkorim (Dragons) are very large celestial or infernal beings, unrelated to the Balim, Shibaorim, Okkurim, or Daemorim.   Derkorim may in fact be related to the Safirim, as the Safirim are called Dragons in some legends, but Derkorim living on Derkomai are very much inferior in power and authority to any Safirim. Despite being inferior in power to the Safirim, the Derkorim are known to be extremely powerful, more powerful than any of the Okkurim. Some believe they are equivalent in power to the most powerful of the Daemorim.   There are several subtypes of Derkorim known. They are most easily distinguished by the color of their scales. The known types are:
• Hei Derkorim (Black Dragons)
• Hayn Derkorim (White Dragons)
• Haka Derkorim (Red Dragons)
• Midri Derkorim (Green Dragons)
• Akagyel Derkorim (Copper Dragons)
• Saiyel Derkorim (Bronze Dragons)
• Sergyel Derkorim (Silver Dragons)
• Kinyel Derkorim (Gold Dragons)
  The metallic Derkorim (Bronze, Copper, Silver, and Gold) are also called Celestial Dragons. The chromatic Derkorim (Black, White, Red, and Green) are also known as Infernal Dragons.   Derkorim are shapeshifters. They can take on the form of a Human or Elvirim, or most any other species, whenever they choose.   Though relatively few in number, Derkorim are found in wild areas throughout the world.   All Derkorim, whether Celestial or Infernal, are greedy and love to collect treasures of gold, silver, and jewels. They are protective of their hoards of treasure to the extreme and know the precise location of every coin and item. Attempting to steal from the lair of a Derkorim has been the doom of more than one foolish adventurer. No one knows why Derkorim collect their treasure hoards, but many have speculated about it.

Basic Information


Derkorim in their native form are enormous creatures with a reptilian appearance, though they are not in any way related to reptiles. They have long bodies and tails covered in thick scales, four relatively short legs, and large wings with an appearance similar to those of a bat.   A young, newly-hatched Derkorim is about the size of a horse. They grow quickly, so a ten-year-old Derkorim is around 20 feet long and weighs about 7500 lbs. They continue to grow as they age, though more and more slowly. Though few in number, ancient Derkorim can be 120 feet or more in length and weigh many tons. They are covered in thick scales. Scales on the underside are often lighter in color and thinner, making them more vulnerable there. In general, female Derkorim are somewhat larger than males and are often more aggressive and dangerous, especially among the Infernal Dragons.   Like Balim, all Derkorim are able to fly, but it is clear that their flight is aided by the magic of their supernatural nature, as no creature of their size and bulk would be able to fly otherwise. They fly quite swiftly and acrobatically, despite the fact that they are so large. Their wingspan is roughly the same as their length.   Unlike the reptiles and amphibians they most closely resemble, Derkorim are endothermic, maintaining a constant body temperature. The body temperature of Derkorim is much higher than that of mammals. The skin of most Derkorim (except Hayn Derkorim) is around 122 F (50 C), and their core temperature is assumed to be much higher. Hayn Derkorim (White Dragons), on the other hand, are adapted to cold climates. They maintain a very cold core temperature, relative to other Dragon species.

Genetics and Reproduction

Derkorim are semi-immortal beings. They can be killed, though with great difficulty. Though semi-immortal, they can and do reproduce. A female Dragon lays a clutch of 1 to 4 eggs in its lair among its hoard of treasures, leading some to believe that a Derkorim's hoard is its equivalent of a nest and that the amount of treasure collected symbolizes the value its young has for the Dragon. Regardless of the reason, a female Derkorim is even more protective of its eggs than it is of its hoard. Any creature entering a Dragon's lair where there are unhatched eggs will be mercilessly destroyed.   Derkorim eggs incubate for many years, up to a decade, before they are ready to hatch. With the exception of those of White Dragons, they must be kept quite warm during their incubation. Derkorim heat their eggs and their surrounding treasure hoard with their body and breath. The heated gold and silver surrounding the eggs helps maintain their heat, allowing the Dragon to leave its lair for some time to seek prey. This fact lends credence to the theory that a Dragon's hoard is essentially its nest; though, any metal or rock would suffice to hold heat, so why Derkorim prefer precious metals and jewels is unknown. Perhaps they just find them as beautiful as Humans do.

Growth Rate & Stages

Dragons hatch from eggs incubated for many years. The are considered to be young until they are about 50 years old. They are considered to be adults, capable of reproducing, from about 50 years to 200 years old. From 200 to 500 years of age, they are old and are reaching their full physical, intellectual, and magical powers. Beyond 500 years, they are considered to be ancient Dragons, among the most powerful beings known on any plane of existence.

Ecology and Habitats

Derkorim typically live in large underground caverns in high up in mountainous regions or in caverns beneath lakes, swamps, and rivers. Their territories are enormous, up to and even over 100 square miles (259 square kilometers), as they require an enormous amount of prey on which to feed.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Derkorim are carnivores. They will eat most any other animal, including other Derkorim. The Celestial Dragons shun eating sentient beings; though, they will in some extreme circumstances. The Infernal Dragons will raid settlements of sentient beings to eat cattle, horses, and other domesticated animals, as well as the inhabitants.


The metallic Derkorim (Bronze, Copper, Silver, and Gold) are also called Celestial Dragons. They are generally aligned with The Elysium and the Safirim that rule it. Though powerful, they are said to be kind and patient toward most people.   The chromatic Derkorim (Black, White, Red, and Green) are the Infernal Dragons. They are generally aligned with The Void and the Safirim that rule in that place of darkness and separation. They are also powerful and aggressive. Some are hateful and evil.   All Derkorim are avaricious and love collecting gold, silver, and other precious items. Why they do so, no one knows, but some speculate that it may be related to egg incubation, and protectiveness and value of their eggs. Others believe it is perhaps an aspect of their role, along with the Shibaorim, as protectors of all of Derkomai.   Some Derkorim, particularly ancient Dragons, are dormant for years or even decades. When they do wake and emerge from their cavern lairs, they are ravenous. They roam their territory looking for prey. At those times, they are especially dangerous.   There are individual Dragons, especially some Sergyel Derkorim (Silver Dragons) and Kinyel Derkorim (Gold Dragons), are curious about the lives of Humans and Elvirim, spending much of their time shapeshifted to Human or Elvirim form and living among them.   Many Derkorim, notably the Infernal Dragons, are aggressive and hostile toward other Derkorim, even those of their own species. It isn't uncommon for Derkorim to fight one another over territory, treasure, lairs, and mates, and many adult and older Dragons bear the scars of combat. In fact, that is by far the most common way that Dragons die. All Derkorim have "breath weapons" that they use in combat. The breath weapon of a Derkorim is a super-heated blast of air (or in the case of White Dragons, super-cooled) that causes extreme damage. In addition to being extremely hot or cold, the breath of Derkorim can be saturated with chemicals that cause additional damage, as follows:

Hei Derkorim (Black Dragons) breath is saturated with acidic chemicals that corrode metals and eat through skin and most anything else it contacts.

Hayn Derkorim (White Dragons) breath is saturated with extremely volatile chemicals that evaporate very quickly, leaching the body heat from creatures and freezing anything it contacts.

Haka Derkorim (Red Dragons) breath is saturated with volatile and flammable chemicals that cause anything it contacts to immediately burst into flames.

Midri Derkorim (Green Dragons) breath contains acidic and poisonous chemicals that corrode whatever it contacts and poisons animals that breath it or contact it.

Akagyel Derkorim (Copper Dragons) breath, like that of Black Dragons, is saturated with acidic chemicals that corrode metals and eat through skin and most anything else it contacts. In addition, breathing it slows reactions and reflexes.

Saiyel Derkorim (Bronze Dragons) breath contains chemicals that corrode whatever it contacts and causes paralysis in creatures that breath it or contact it.

Sergyel Derkorim (Silver Dragons) breath, like that of White Dragons, contains volatile chemicals that evaporate quickly, freezing anything it contacts and causing frostbite and paralysis to creatures that come in contact with it.

Kinyel Derkorim (Gold Dragons) breath is similar to Red Dragon breath, causing anything it touches to burst into flames. They also can exhale breath that weakens and slows the reactions and reflexes of anything that breathes it.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Derkorim are for the most part solitary creatures, coming together only for reproduction. However, some Gold and Silver Dragons enjoy Human, Elvirim, and sometimes Dwarvirim company and will visit and even secretly live among those people for a time. A few Human, Elvirim, and Dwarvirim people have befriended individual Derkorim and gained enough trust to know the Derkorim in its native form and even visit it in its lair.

Facial characteristics

The face of a Derkorim is long, shaped somewhat like that of a horse, but most have beard-like appendages hanging from their chin. They also have prominent spiky horns that protrude from above their eyes, around their neck, and along their spines. The exact arrangement and prevalence of appendages and horns and other facial characteristics varies by species, age, and individual.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Derkorim are relatively rare, but found throughout the world, primarily in high mountains.

Average Intelligence

Dragons are highly intelligent, but their intelligence varies greatly with age. Young Derkorim are as intelligent as young Human children, but they learn quickly and their reasoning ability increases quickly. An adult Dragon is as intelligent as a genius-level Human, and old and ancient Dragons are more intelligent than any but the most highly gifted Humans.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Derkorim have incredible eyesight, equivalent to or even better than that of large birds of prey, like the Steppe Gyreagle. They are able to spot prey from great heights and distances - often from many miles. They are able to see well in deep darkness and can see creatures made invisible by most spells. They are able to detect and see undead creatures like ghosts, specters, and wraiths.   The hearing and sense of smell of Derkorim is also very keen. Few creatures are able to sneak past a Derkorim, and few are so foolhardy as to try.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Derkorim have long names that are nearly unpronouncable by Humans, Elvirim, and other sentient species.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Derkorim have their own language that is all but unknown to other species, with each Derkorim species having its own dialect and idioms. Most Derkorim of adult age and beyond are able to understand and speak Sudkou, Nodkou, Elvrimkou, and may speak other languages, like that of Dwarvirim.

Common Taboos

The Celestial Dragons generally shun eating members of sentient species. The Infernal Dragons do not.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Celestial Dragons are generally friendly toward Humans, Elvirim, Dwarvirim, and individuals of other species aligned in general with The Elysium. They dislike and are generally hostile towards Drow Elvirim and creatures of any kind aligned with The Void.   Infernal Dragons are usually hostile toward all other creatures; though, they may form alliances with individuals of other species if it furthers a goal of the Dragon.
An adult Kinyel Derkorim (Gold Dragon)
An adult Kinyel Derkorim (Gold Dragon) by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)
An adult Kinyel Derkorim (Gold Dragon)
A young Haka Derkorim (Red Dragon) in its lair
A young Haka Derkorim (Red Dragon) in its lair by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)
A young Haka Derkorim (Red Dragon) in its lair with its small treasure hoard
Average Weight
Young: ~1.5 tons (~3000 lbs. or 1361 kg.)
Adult: ~5 tons (~10,000 lbs. or 4536 kg.)
Old: ~12.5 tons (~25,000 lbs. or 11,340 kg.)
Ancient: ~30+ tons (~60,000 lbs. and over or over 27,215 kg.)
Average Length
Young: ~15 feet (~4.5 meters)
Adult: ~30 feet (~9 meters)
Old: ~60 feet (~18 meters)
Ancient: ~120 feet (~36 meters)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The color of Derkorim varies by species.

Hei Derkorim (Black Dragons) - are mostly black, with some gray and red markings.
Hayn Derkorim (White Dragons) - are mostly white, with some cyan blue markings.
Haka Derkorim (Red Dragons) - are mostly red, with orange and black markings.
Midri Derkorim (Green Dragons) - are mostly green, with yellow and purple markings.
Akagyel Derkorim (Copper Dragons) - are copper colored with iridescent scales.
Saiyel Derkorim (Bronze Dragons) - are bronze colored, with more matte scales than Copper Dragons.
Sergyel Derkorim (Silver Dragons) - are silver, with some areas that are reflective with a mirror-like sheen.
Kinyel Derkorim (Gold Dragons) - are deep gold, with lighter yellow-gold scales on their underside.

Cover image: by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)


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