To My Beloved Viktor Document in Darkness Moon Chronicles | World Anvil
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Bound Series
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To My Beloved Viktor

Contains MAJOR spoilers for the Bound Series!
Read with caution!
The Itude Empire's most famous letter does not even come from the empire itself. No, this letter was written in the Winter Moon Pack by Uma McClain, the current Luna at the time. In secret, Uma hid the letter within a pocket of her diary and placed it inside a tree near the cave where she would meet up with her secret lover, Viktor Tyler, that she was having an affair with.   Unbeknownst to Uma, her secret lover never found the letter as he had been driven from the territory due to so many rogues being found around the pack and various villages throughout the land. This led to Wolf Slayer discovering its whereabouts on Sroqo 6th of 2008 EoL. Upon reading the journal, he discovered the letter, which revealed so many secrets about the McClain family tree.   Wolf Slayer then had it put on display at the Vol'nische museum while he hid the journal somewhere in the Frost River Estate.  

Hidden Within

The letter only helped to confirm Wolf Slayer's suspicions that the McClain family stopped with Carl McClain as Fredrick McClain was really the son of Viktor Tyler. This knowledge has become an important focal point for the empire. Ever since Emperor Vladimir Tepes was presented with this information, he has been waiting to spill the truth in a grand reveal that will shatter the faith of the werewolves in the Winter Moon Pack and its Alpha and Alpha Heir.  

Legal Status

By comparing Uma's signature at the bottom of every single entry and to the legal documents and reports she signed while Luna, it is known to be her journal. This much, Wolf Slayer is sure of.

Table of Contents

The Secret Love Letter to Viktor Tyler
Text, Letter
Uma McClain
Authoring Date:
Cahuln 15, 1919 EoL

Cover image: by Amelia Nite (Canva)


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