Senator of the Vampires Profession in Darkness Moon Chronicles | World Anvil
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Senator of the Vampires

The Senator of the Vampires is a regal profession akin to that of a President, King, Alpha, or Emperor. It is also a title associated with one vampire, the very head of the Chamber of Black Onyx. Under the rule of a democracy, the Senator of Vampires can only be elected into power by the vampiric citizens, with elections held every one hundred years.



A vampire must be at least 750-years-old to enter an election, but beyond that, a vampire must also pass a series of tests. The standart historical test encompassing the past generations of vampires and what stemmed from the previous empires and kingdoms. Every law-abiding vampire must know the laws of the Chamber of Black Onyx and what the governing body can do. And finally, the vampire must know the historical treaties that allow partnerships with various countries, keep war at bay, and legally bind the union of vampires and werewolves.   If the current Senator of Vampires decides to retire before their term is up, they can request a new election be held, with vampires stepping forward to put their hat in the ring. The Senator of Vampires and the current kings of each district have the option to nominate a vampire of their choosing.

Other Benefits

A vampire who gets elected as the head of the Chamber of Black Onyx immediately gains a luxurious lifestyle, complete with money, fancy attire, fine dining, access to the classified secrets of the Chamber of Black Onyx, etc. Insurance is also a huge factor, ranging from medical to family and even funeral insurance. The life of a Senator of Vampires is also in the spotlight. Every breath they take, every wave of their hand, every movement — it is all documented by the paparazzi; privacy is lost, leading to a life of constant cameras and having to put on a graceful and noble appearance.



The Senator is capable of making making laws, declaring war, impeaching and trying federal officers, overseeing public money, approving presidential appointments, approving treaties negotiated by the executive branch, and government oversight and investigations. They keep the peace and work to bring a better life to their citizens.

Table of Contents

Founded In
1175 AD
Current Leader
Kěith Cheonsa
Famous in the Field
Kěith Cheonsa
Social Status

Cover image: by Amelia Nite (Canva)


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