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Last Painting of Empress Sin-Yeona

Around the late 1480s EoL, the last the portrait of Empress Sin-Yeona Cheonsa was painted by Malachi Demitri, who — at the request of Emperor Vladimir Tepes — kept the location of the painting a secret from anyone who inquired about it. Shortly after the brith of Prince Kěith Cheonsa, the painting was finished and Vlad decided it was best to keep the painting locked up until Sin-yeona was strong enough to be present when the painting was shown to the empire via a massive communication crystal.   However, six months after Kěith's birth, Sin-yeona was assassinated. Vlad took her death has hard as anyone losing their soulmate would. He hung the painted in a private chamber within his bedroom, never letting the painting see the light of day again. Since then, only Vlad, Sin-yeona, and the artist have seen the painting.    


Inside the private chamber, the painting is hung on a gray marble wall with a golden frame decorated with pearls. The frame is not the best to be seen of royal paintings, but it is how Sin-yeona would have liked it to look. Vlad chose the frame to represent the simplistic life that Sin-yeona loved.   The painting itself is of Sin-yeona in a red velvet dress with her head tilted down, looking at the lower right-hand corner of the frame. Her eyes speaks of somberness, as if something is weighing heavily upon her and the empire's fate. Placed upon her head is a crown of thorns, perhaps symbolizing the harsh realites of being an empress. A small cross rests on her lap as a crow perches on the arm of a lavish drawing room chair. In the background is a depication of a castle, thought to be an early version of the Justice family's estate. The last notable details of the painting is the mist hanging in the air around the castle as birds fly above it.

Table of Contents

portrait of sin-yeona painted by keith
by darksouls1 (Pixabay)
Quick Facts
Imagery, Artistic
Current Location:
Somewhere in the Vol'nische Palace
Current Holder:
1.5x1 m (150x100 cm)
1.5x1 m (4'9"x3'3" feet)

Cover image: by Amelia Nite (Canva)


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