Prohibum Making

A helping hand

Prohibum making is the process in which Vlari Pollen is turned into prohibum, which is a substance that alters magical output for magic users. Prohibum making is a secret technique known only by the Flower Circle, who carry it out in secret and distribute the product to local magic users. No one else knows how to make it, nor that the flowers are the source of it.   The prohibum is made from the Pollen of a special version of the Vlari flower. The Vlari Minor only grows around the Esir River in northern Ashilder, very close to Vatnsil where the Flower Circle have their base of operations.  

Making Prohibum

The steps in making the prohibum include sifting the pollen, separating different compounds through distillation and purification of the final product. The whole process is delicate, as any mistakes can lead to a useless product or a highly concentrated one that can lead to wrong use and unintended dangerous doses.   Steps prior to prohibum making:
  • Dry out the flowers in enclosed containers.
  • When the flowers are thoroughly dried, place them on metal sifting mats with small holes. Sift carefully. The pollen will fall off and fall through the holes into a container underneath. Store dry.
  Steps in Prohibum making:
  1. The pollen is mixed with a solvent
  2. Then the mixture is transferred to a distillation system, made by the Flower Circle. Usually operated by someone with a Water Mark, since it's much easier to control different elements this way.
  3. The mixture is heated up, and the water-marked person controls the heating, cooling and condensation of the mixture.
  4. After it has cooled down, it is now separated from other impurities in the original mixture.
  5. After this, the mixture is dehydrated and stored in a tight container.
  6. Before use, it is often mixed with a strong-tasting, non-alcoholic drink or sprinkled over food. Some just mix it into their water.

Protecting their own

Prohibium making is quite bothersome and if the impurities aren't removed properly, the prohibium can be dangerous to ingest. One might wonder why a town would go through so much to produce this substance and why they would go to such great lengths to keep the materials and technique a secret.  
The answer is simply, that it is their best chance to protect their own.   Vatnsil has high population of Fae Marked people . These people have magic and can do spells, something which isn't always as advantageous as it might sound. The Fae Marked live in constant fear of being discovered and sold out to law enforcement.  
Some people might hate those with a fae mark, but we protect our own.   They did not choose to be different, and so we will make sure to show that we stand with them, for they are one of us.
— Citizen of Vatnsil
Magic is highly controlled in Dysvoll, either monitored or outlawed with many different severities of punishment for using it. Many distrust those with magic, but in Vatnsil, they're very against the anti-magic laws.   The prohibum dampens a magic-user's abilities, and thus prevents big outbursts that might happen accidentally due to inexperience. This gives the citizens of Vatnsil an advantage. It's easier to teach fae-marked children to control their powers, when the worry of being found out isn't as great. Dampened powers mean fewer accidents.   Accidents might lead to discovery, which often results in a child being taken away. In some cases, removed children are trained to be soldiers, in other cases they are left to rot in a jail cell. There are also some areas where they are as ruthless as to just kill the child, whereafter they dump the body in the nearest convenient spot.
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Settlement | Mar 16, 2024

A town in Ashilder, the leading manufacturer of Prohibum

Barely any of us in the Flower Circle have a fae mark, but we all know someone who does. We keep doing what we do, to protect those we care about and those in our community.
— Member of the flower circle
Flower Circle
Organization | Mar 16, 2024

A secret group who make prohibum to help out their local magic users.

Cover image: by Ninne124


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