
Flower of the blue sky

The Vlari flower is an annual flowering plant found throughout Dysvoll's middle and southern parts. The plant is commonly known for its beautiful light sky blue colour, which stands out against the yellowed grass it often grows amidst.  


The Vlari flower is an annual plant, which means it completes its life circle from seed to seed-producing flower, within one growing season, and then it dies. It's generally a pretty sturdy flower which grows both in fields, plains and along river banks in temperate climates.   It is about 35-80 cm in height, dependent on where it grows. The best conditions for the flower are full sun as well as moist but well-drained soil. When the seed has sprouted into a flower, it's quite resistant to drought. If the flower experienced drought before it is fully grown, it often ends up on the shorter side.  

Types of Vlari

There are two known types of the vlari flower, commonly referred to as big-petalled Vlari (vlari major) and small-petalled Vlari (vlari minor) The two plants resemble each other a lot, but there are some key differences between the two.  

Big-petalled Vlari

The big-petalled Vlari is often referred to as Vlari Major or type one Vlari.   The type one vlari bears slightly larger flowers than type two, and is the most common one to see. The petals of vlari mahor are a brilliant sky blue colour.  
The vlari flowers are so pretty! I make flower wreaths from them every year to decorate the house with!
— young child
  It's distributed through most of the mid and southern regions of Dysvoll. It generally has no trouble growing in most places.   This version of the flower is what most people refer to when they say Vlari.
Many people don't know that the Vlari minor even exists.

Small-petalled Vlari

The small-petalled Vlari is often referred to as Vlari Minor or type two Vlari. Vlari type number two is much more uncommon.   It has smaller flowers, the petals are generally shorter and wider and the blue colour of the petals is significantly duller.   The Vlari Minor is only found growing around the Esir River, specifically in the eastern end where it originates.   This plant is highly sought after by those who live in the town of Vatnsil right next to the river. They use it for Prohibum Synthesis, which creates a substance that can dampen magical output.   The people of Vatnsil discovered that only the Vlari Pollen from the Minor has these effects, as all synthesis attempted with Vlari Major pollen failed.

The flower that can't be cultivated

Due to it's special properties the vlari minor pollen is a desired ingredient to get ones hands on. However, this material is much rarer than one might anticipate. The vlari minor flowers only grow along the Esir river, and no where else.   Many attempts have been made to take seeds from the flowers and sow them somewhere else, but without success. The only sowed seeds that sprouted were the ones planted at the riverbank itself. Even planting the flowers further up the river has also proven unsuccessful, and no one truly knows why they can only grow in this one spot.   People have tried bringing soil and water from the river with them, in hopes that this would help the plant grow somewhere else, but this also failed. Due to these difficulties, the pollen can only be harvested directly from the vlari flowers at the Esir river bank.
Flowering plant (angiosperm)   Petal colour
Sky blue
1 growing cycle (one year)
Average Height
35-80 cm
Geographic Distribution
Related Materials

Vlari Pollen
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Pollen collected from the Vlari flower, used to make prohibum.

Prohibum Making
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A technique to make prohibum, a substance produced in Vatnsil from Vlari pollen, which dampens magical output.

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Cover image: by Ninne124


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Aug 16, 2022 15:45 by Gortius Octavo

Very interesting, could a sort of black market sprout from the illegal and overpriced trading of pollen and parts of vlari plants? It could be interesting to see the socio-economic repercussions of such a interesting plant