University Exhibit Museum - 687 W College St Building / Landmark in Curiosity and Satisfaction | World Anvil

University Exhibit Museum - 687 W College St

Sitting next to the Hoyt Administration Building awaiting visitors in stately neoclassic style is the Missituk Exhibit Museum. Constructed in 1902, this building is open to the public 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Tuesday-Saturday.   Among the exhibits is a large natural history section including a mounted "brontosaur" skeleton and many other, smaller fossils. A series of halls contain geological samples, stuffed animals, and dramatic dioramas concerning primitive man. (Fraternity legend holds that a date's interest in these latter, somewhat under-clothed scenes betrays her enjoyment of other primitive behavior.)   Examples of Sethwich jewelry can be found in the Folk Arts section. After the collapse of the Witch House in 1931, aside from books and papers turned over to the library, the museum acquired an oddly-fashioned sacrificial bowl and knife, a small statue of a strange creature made from an odd blue stone, and the misshapen skeleton of a bizarre animal having components, seemingly, of rodent and simian.   Many surmise that the Museum is privately funded from some long-ago endowment that removes it from the funding and policy concerns to which most of academia is beholden.
University / Educational complex
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