Hotel Missituk - 200 block of W College St Building / Landmark in Curiosity and Satisfaction | World Anvil

Hotel Missituk - 200 block of W College St

The premier hotel offering the finest and most expensive lodging in New Jerusalem, it stands five stories tall and enjoys beautiful prospects across the Missituk campus. The majority of guests are usually well-heeled alumni and visiting family of students, so business is predictable but unremarkable (just the way the management likes it).   Rates begin at $8 a day for the worst room; one top-floor suite commands $80 a night during homecoming and commencement. These rates drop considerably during the dull summer months when visitors seldom find cause to visit the school. Prestigious guests of the University stay at the Hotel Missituk; students know it best as the site of the Gamma Delta sorority formal each spring.   Moira Matrone is a chambermaid at the Hotel Missituk and comes in contact with a lot of people who have a fair bit of money to spend as a result. Her English is very good, which sometimes surprises customers, but Moira was born in the U.S. and is a second generation American Italian. She always tries to be helpful to customers, not merely polite; partly this is in her nature and partly because customers who have a good experience are likely to leave higher tips, and Moira does have a family to help support. She would be extremely reluctant to endanger her job, no matter what she might see in the hotel. The only thing she does that is not exactly as the management of the Hotel decrees is that she has a soft spot for the various strays that sometime wander around the back of the Hotel. She gives them whatever scraps she can and will sit out back during her lunch break chattering at them.
Hospitality, Hotel
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