Travelling Bards

The travelling bards are made up of all the races.  They form small cadres or clans as they like to refer to themselves.  They spend the year travelling across the lands spreading joy, news, and music to all they meet.  They literally sing for their suppers, and a few coppers to tied them over on supplies for the journeys between towns.  The size of the town determines how long they are able to stay.  They must be able to live off the land in some aspect or another.   The bards have an agreed-upon route and schedule for each year or two, at the end of which they meet up at a predesignated area large enough to accommodate everyone.  Once every five years, they have a grand showdown, where they have contests of skill, exchange news, songs, and sometimes even bards.  The grand showdown lasts for a week(ten-day) Where romances can be kindled and clan allegiance built.  
Since we formed, the clans have grown ever larger, and there have been many splinter clans formed.  We chose to keep the clans to five family units but that doesn't mean a clan starts at five..  Ho know! It starts at two and grows from there.  every three or four Showdowns we need to start a new clan or two.  This year our numbers have swollen far more than expected. SO here we go with three new clans; Ferret, Titwhistle, and  Fox.
— The Clan Elder of Falcon, winners of the last Showdown to the assembled clans in the open commencement of the Grand Showdown 1172 OTO

Naming Traditions

Family names

They do not take family names but Clan identities.  As each clan is formed the members choose a name for their clan.  This is so that there can be a system for the protection of the clans and the travelling bards in general.


Culture and cultural heritage

The travelling bards have rejected the idea that the parent races have on the topics of loyalty, possessions, and wealth.  Though a bard troupe or clan may accumulate vast fortunes these monies always go for the betterment of the clan and Bardic society as a whole.  Since members of each race are represented in their numbers they have a better understanding of the nations through which they travel and perform.   Every once in a while new members would join from the cities and towns they travel through.  These members are usually of an age to leave home, however, sometimes the young join as well.  When this happens the bards send word back to the parent about the defection of their child.  The children do not usually wish to stay long as they begin desiring to return home.  When this happens the bards seek out a merchant heading in that direction and pay for the child to be returned to their home town or village.  Merchants never shirk this duty for fear of retribution by the bards.  Those children who choose to remain are accepted into the clan and taught all aspects of music, from creating original songs to playing multiple instruments.

Shared customary codes and values

The bards all share the principles that their work is their own to share with the world as they see fit.  Travelling they keep their eyes and ears open for those who may have the desire to join their ranks and way of life.

Common Dress code

You can always tell a bard by his/her bright-coloured clothing.  That and they almost always have an instrument of some kind on hand.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Common customs of the bards is living life to its fullest in everything they do.  To them, life is to be celebrated at all times.  Weddings within a clan or across clans are of major importance as it strengthens the bonds within the community.  The other major event which the bards celebrate is the birth of a child.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Whenever a child is born to a troupe they have a feast on the day of the birth and then when they meet up with the rest of the clan there is another feast for all the births which happened during the time apart.

Common Taboos

The travelling bards find the very idea of settling down in a village or town to be anathema and thus it is a taboo.  Settling down is fine as long as it away from society and usually only done once a member reaches the point where they can no longer contribute to the clan or society as a whole.

Common Myths and Legends

Bards have a reputation for child stealing though this is not true since they revere family values.     Legend has it that a travelling bard clan passed through a town and stole all the children in it.  The town of Clayerboorn is this town, people and bards alike avoid this town.
Clan Names as of the Grand Showdown of 1197 OTO
  • Lark, the first and oldest clan
  • Wolf
  • Lynx
  • Raven
  • Cardinal
  • Hawk
  • Rabbit
  • Nightingale
  • Ferret
  • Titwhistle
  • Fox
  • Thrush
  • Finch
Diverged ethnicities
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Articles under Travelling Bards


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