Kingdom of the Faroo Organization in Corgeria | World Anvil
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Kingdom of the Faroo

The original domain of Atheneis Majara.  This is a relatively new Kingdom.  The Faroo basin had been invaded a little more than 200 years ago by a coalition of Mountain tribes with the support of Lord Yulmar of Shining Mountain a sorcerer and Faroo noble.  This invasion caused the collapse of the areas ruling dynasty and lead to the sacking and abandonment of the region's only city, Landor.  The region was broken up between numerous petty tribal warlords until the area was reunified by Atheneis Majara.  After the successful conquest of Karmis and Zareb by the Majarans, the Faroo became one of the units of the newly founded Majaran Empire.   Under Atheneis rule, Landor was rebuilt, colonists from Karmis and other northern regiosn were invited to settle and clear vacant land.  The Empress made great efforts to connect the Kingdom to the sea, building a port on the Windy Sea with a connecting road crossing the mountains to Landor.  Port Kofar has now become the Kingdom's second city.  Three market towns scattered across the Faroo Basin have been given royal charters and are governed by elected Councils.


The governance of the Faroo is in the hands of the Empress and the Parliament with High Queen Willamina serving as the symbolic head of state, a title that devolved to her after Atheneis declared herself Empress.  The parliament contains representatives of various geographic regions of the Empire and several important groups within the Empire.  A portion of the Parliament's members are appointed by the Empress, others are selected by the local government's of the Empire's cities, towns, religious orders and other significant religious groups.

Demography and Population

The Kingdom has a population of 130,000.  The largest population center is the Capital, Landor.  Port Kofar is a distant second followed by the three market town.  Most of the the King of the Kingdom's inhabitants are settlers or the children of settlers, this group makes up about 75 percent of the population.  The remaining 25 percent are members of the various tribes that have resided in the Faroo for the last two hundred years.  Corgerians with a scattering Danites and Dark Corgerians makeup about 15 percent of the population.  The rest of the population are predominately Northron humans, although severla thosuand former Zalarite of Mountaineer and Southron ancestry have been mixed in.


The Kingdom is centered on the Faroo Basin with the main area of settlement being around the Capital of Landor.  The southern part of the Basin is heavily wooded an split up by various branches of the Faroo River.  The Kingdom's territory further extended into the northern, southern and eastern ranges of the Grey Mountains.  The eastern most region of the Kingdom is the sparsely inhabited Brokhill Peninsula.


Most of the Kingdom's inhabitants are polytheists.  Khanna is widely worshipped by the Peasant Population, but also enjoys strong official support at Court.  The Empress and many of her family members belong to the Alyite Order, others are Khanna worshipers and many belong to both faiths, which are closely allied.  The Alyite Order has been granted rights to the Azzera Fortress and a number of smaller holdings throughout the Kingdom.  Two Khannite covens are the most important representatives of their faith, although many smaller groups and individual priestesses can be found scattered about the Kingdom.   Several other religious groups have been allowed to establish temples or other venues throughout the Kingdom.  The Kingdom and the Empire maintain a list of proscribed faiths including the Salyites, Zalarites and those faiths that use necromancy and human sacrifice as part of their religious practice.

Foreign Relations

Faroo is part of the Majaran Empire.  The neighboring Dark Corgerian Kingdom of Arduorra is considered to be hostile.  The other major threat is seen as the pirate lords of Rowes and their allies, who have routinely attacked the empire shipping.

Agriculture & Industry

The kingdom's southern and mountain regions are focused on mainly depend on forestry and fur trapping.  The northern region ofthe kingdom gives way to productive agricultural land studded with small farms and a few large estates owned my members of the Imperial Clan.  The Brokhill Peninsula is primarily dominated sheep herding with small fishing villages studded along the coast.  The slopes of the northern mountains include a number of highly productive mines that provide gold and silver.  Port Kofar is the center for merchant shipping, shipbuilding and is the only imperial naval base in the Kingdom.

Trade & Transport

The main trade road between Landor and Karmis is paved while the road from Port Kofar to Landor is made from packed gravel with stone bridges.

A Kingdom Reborn

Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
The Faroo
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Economic System
Gold Crown, Silver Mark, Copper Penny
Legislative Body
Parliament of the Empire
Judicial Body
The Queen's Court of High Justice
Parent Organization
Neighboring Nations


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