Ahh'rasha'kak Lizardfolk Ethnicity in Coralous Island | World Anvil
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Ahh'rasha'kak Lizardfolk

Far Swimming People

The ahh'rasha'kak lizardfolk of southwestern Coralous had never encountered the warmblood races until the settlers of Ebronium arrived, and viewed them with great curiosity. Unlike the nass'isra lizardfolk tribes in south-central Coralous, they live much more amphibious lives, and tend to occupy islands in lakes and ponds rather than the marshlands of their brothers. As such, many ahh'rasha'kak tend to have long, flat tails and enlongated snouts.   Their semi-amphibious nature lead to significantly fewer direct conflicts over land and resources with the settlers. As such, many of the ahh'rasha'kak lizardfolk found the settlers to be a nuisance at worst, and only rarely a threat, so when the rallying cry came from the east to repel the invaders, only a handful of tribes answered the call.

Naming Traditions

Unisex names

The lizardfolk of Coralous Island use descriptive names, such as "Two-spines" or "Long Swimmertail." Hatchlings are given temporary names while they mature, but upon reaching adolescence (about age 10), they take their adult names. Sometimes these are given by a chief or shaman, other times they are derived from their job or skills within the tribe. Occasionally, a lizardfolk adolescent will decide on their own name, though this has only become particularly common since the arrival of the settlers and their strange naming habits.

Articles under Ahh'rasha'kak Lizardfolk


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