Maximolo Ricco Character in Candle'Bre | World Anvil

Maximolo Ricco

Max is the owner of Maximolo Ricco's Carnival of Wonders, which he runs with his daughter, Ariana. While there are four similar operations in the Basin, the Carnival of Wonders is far and away the largest, best known and most successful, consisting of an astonishing array of attractions housed in more than sixty brightly colored gypsy travel wagons.  

Humble Beginnings

  He wasn't always the celebrity he is today though. An orphan of Free Folk ancestry, he grew up on the streets of Calimba back before the Universities were built. He made his way as most orphaned children do, by being glib of tongue, light of fingers and fleet of foot when all else failed.   What he was especially good at, however, was distraction. Being naturally musically inclined, he quickly discovered that he could break out his battered, stolen lute and play for a crowded city street, dazzling them with his performance while other orphaned children took advantage of the distraction he provided and quietly fleeced the crowd. Thus, before his fourteenth spring, he was running one of the most efficient gangs of pickpockets in Calimba's entire history.   Efficient or no, his efforts did not go unnoticed. It was not the City Constable who cornered him, however, but an aging minstrel named Bracchus, who recognized his vast and largely untapped potential. Although Max was never officially adopted, Bracchus got him off the streets and saw to it that he had a proper, formal musical education.  

A Rising Star

  That single act of kindness changed everything. Max was a natural, and an accomplished, intuitive musician who could instinctively read his audience and make subtle adjustments to thrill and delight every crowd he played to. Technical proficiency mattered, but he quickly learned that "plugging into" his audience and delivering the performance they wanted to see and hear was at least as important, and he discovered that he could do that better than just about anyone.   Before long, he was the toast of Calimba. Gone were the days of scratching and struggling for survival on the streets. Everybody who was anybody wanted to hear Max play, and wealthy Lords and Ladies throughout the Loch region were lining up to pay him handsomely for private performances.   For his part, Max took their money and smiled, giving them exactly what they wanted in return, but even then, he knew he would not remain a performer over the longer term. He had a flair for management that rivaled his musical talent, and he had his eyes and mind set on a much more substantial prize.   Knowing how much money flowed through the Free Folk's traveling carnivals, and intuitively understanding that information was power, he determined to leverage one to give him the other. He could use his Free Folk ancestry to buy his way into a traveling carnival, using a combination of his musical talent, persuasiveness and managerial savvy to become invaluable to whomever the leader of the carnival was and then simply buy the Headman of the carnival out when an opportunity presented itself.   Finally, once in charge, he would give his mostly invisible carnival workers handsome raises and cultivate relationships with them to ensure their loyalty, creating a veritable roving army of eyes and ears which would siphon up information everywhere they went. By traveling along the most populated routes, he could collect a tremendous amount of intelligence and sell it to important people in each city he passed through...  

The Carnival of Wonders is Born

  He played concerts all along the King's Road which runs 'round the Loch until he was 27, then retired suddenly and unexpectedly, vanishing from public view.   He would not resurface for four years, and when he did, it was with his young daughter by his side and at the head of some 40 travel wagons - Maximolo's Grand Carnival.   Back then, the competition with rival carnivals was fierce, and Max did not always get the routes he wanted, but, being endlessly clever, he learned and adapted, and he relied on the scrappiness he had picked up in his youth from living on the streets.   With each passing year, his carnival grew in both size and fame, while his rivals slowly faded.   In just a handful of years, he controlled the largest and most successful carnival in the Basin, changed its name to the one we know today and look forward to each year, and got first dibs on routes.   His carneys made friends with orphaned street children in every city and town they passed through (and more than a few of these wound up joining the carnival proper), so that each year and at every stop, vast stores of information flowed into his waiting ears.   Very quickly, Max became one of the wealthiest and quietly influential people in the whole of the Basin.   In his 36th spring, while passing through the City of Calimba where he had grown up, he heard rumors that the city fathers were planning to build a Bardic College, but were struggling to come up with the funds to see it to completion. Max made a sizeable donation, which proved to be more than enough to complete the project and was offered the position of First Dean of the college in return.   He politely refused this honor, being more than happy with his current station, but the city fathers did have him sit for a portrait, which was later used to construct a bust in his likeness. That statue, along with those of other luminaries and patrons, lines the steps leading to the entrance of the Academy to this day.  

Membership in the Donovengians

  The years marched by, and with the passage of each, the Carnival of Wonder kept improving, getting bigger, better and more popular.   At some point though, people began noticing that Max didn't seem to be aging. At all.   The Free Folk are known to retain their youthful appearance well into their later years, but Max is something altogether different. He looks no older now than he did when he was thirty.   Many people have asked him what his secret is, and he has always declined to answer. Naturally, in the absence of a definitive answer, rumors spread like wildfire, with the most popular one being that Max was bitten at some point during his travels and is now a vampire.   The truth is somewhat simpler. Max is secretly a member of a group called "The Donovengians," founded by Alain Donovengian, an old money family from IronPort. The Donovengians work quietly and behind the scenes for the betterment of the Basin, confronting and defeating evil in whatever form it happens to take. Alain offered all of the founding members of his secretive organization access to magic which unnaturally extended their lives, giving them more time to pursue their good work.   The original members of the Donovengians included:
  • Alain Donovengian himself (an artificer of renown who has built an incredible suit of Power Armor)
  • Antoine LeBeau, a famous/infamous gambler from Calimba who is secretly a Warlock in the service of the Enchantress of the Silver River, and who can do the most amazing things with simple playing cards
  • Amanahaali, an astonishingly talented Bard and one of the first graduates from the Bardic Academy
  • And of course, Max.
  When he was granted membership, Max was charged with the task of securing any cursed items or objects that the group recovered, keeping them out of the hands of those who would misuse them or fall under their spell.   Thus, Max's personal travel wagon is one of the most heavily warded locations in the whole of the Basin, and for a time, served as a kind of warehouse for cursed objects because after all, who would think to look for them in a gypsy carnival wagon?!   As the group collected a growing number of these, however, Max quietly reached out to the reigning Prelate of the Basin, Erich Castillar, and asked that a special vault be constructed under the Temple of the HighFather, to house them, making a sizeable donation to the Church to help see it done. Construction of the vault is now complete but persistent rumors hold that Max kept a few of the objects for himself...   A number of years ago, Amanahalli vanished while trying to gain entrance to the Lost Province of Jima. No trace of her has ever been found and she is currently feared dead.   More recently, one Vittora Franken was extended an invitation to join them. A rising star and recent graduate of the Academy, she ran afoul of the Justicaari when her experiments to conquer death went terribly wrong.   She asked for, and got a volunteer in the person of Lord Randall Stein, of IronPort, a charismatic and enormously popular man who wanted to live forever.   Remarkably, Vittora's experiments worked. She killed Lord Stein and successfully revived him. Unfortunately, the experiment left him horribly disfigured and it was several months before his mental faculties returned to him, during which time, he went on a bit of a rampage and Vittora was put on trial for murder and practicing forbidden magic.   The Donovengians saved her from execution, with Max distracting the guards while Alain and Antoine broke her out of prison. Once Lord Stein had fully recovered and was himself again, he too, was invited to join the group, although these days, he has forsaken his Lordly title and simply goes by the name the common folk gave him while he was on his rampage: The Franken-Stein monster...   All that to say that Maximolo Ricco keeps interesting company indeed, and heads what has become the most efficient intelligence gathering machine in the whole of the Basin, disguised as a Carnival.
Long, straight and brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Surprisingly pale for a member of the Free
165 pounds
Known Languages
Max is known to speak Common, Elven and Dwarven.


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Jan 24, 2022 00:34 by C. B. Ash

Ok, this was just downright too much fun to read. And WAY inventive. The end? With the Franken-Stein's monster? I tip my hat to you! That is a great way to wrap it all up. :D

Jan 24, 2022 11:53

Thank you very much, and I'm glad you enjoyed! Yeah - I really, REALLY wanted to incorporate Ironman (Donovengian), Gambit (LeBeau) into the game world, and once I had taken that step, Frankenstein just seemed like a natural extension. You'll see quite a few other character references from fiction pop up in Candle'Bre (one of the attractions in Max's carnival is a lovely bearded woman with alabaster skin who calls herself "Snow White" - she is attended to be five dwarves but she'd like to pick up a couple of more to round out the act, you see... :) And then there's Jack. "Of the Lantern" and a few other celebrity guest stars. LOL   Got a couple of tweaks to make to the piece this morning but I think it's mostly the way I want it.

Jan 24, 2022 14:09

Just grand! But of course this raises many more questions. In particular: who are the Justicaari?

Jan 24, 2022 16:09

Whooohoo! Glad you liked it! I've hinted at the Justicaari in some of my city-specific pieces but they will eventually get their own entry.   Back before the splintering of the Kingdom, the Justicaari were the functional equivalent of the Kingdom's judicial system. The Order of the Justicaari is actually run out of the Temple of the HighFather, and they have an enforcement arm (Paladin Oath of the Justicaari).   So the idea was, the King makes laws and the Justicaari act as kind of a decentralized Supreme Court, enforcing them and in many cases, deciding on exactly what those laws actually mean.   After the Kingdom splintered, all of the major power factions save for the Furies, continued to allow the Justicaari to function inside their territories because they've got such a stellar reputation for fairness. Any time someone "dons the white" (puts on the white robes of the Justicaari), it signifies that they're leaving their personal prejudices at the door and judging a given matter thru the impartial lens of the law.   In practice though, the Justicaari tend to side more with maintaining order than doing the right thing, so - sometimes they can be a bit "rules lawyerly." Obviously this varies from one Justicaar to the next, but on balance, they care more about maintaining a smooth functioning society than about the spirit of any given law, which can sometimes cause problems. (and the reason the Furies don't allow the Justicaari in their territory is that the Duke of the Furies subjects his entire population to military law).

Jan 30, 2022 00:51

Great article! Very interesting concept to have him lead a large caravan that he uses to get information.That can indeed be a succesful way to get many unseen eyes througout a city they are passing through.

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
Jan 30, 2022 13:26

Thank you very much, Kefkejaco! Greatly appreciated, and too right - most people don't really pay much mind to the carnies - they just kind of flit through life largely unseen, but...people talk, and when they do, Max generally has someone within earshot! :)

Feb 1, 2022 03:55 by Bart Weergang

I enjoyed that read! I like how Max slowly progresses from a street thief to a member of a secret organization.

Feb 1, 2022 13:26

Thank you, Jacob! I've really enjoyed writing about Max and have another story planned for some point that will find its way here. He's a complicated fellow and would make an excellent Patron for an adventuring group, I think!

Feb 7, 2022 22:32 by Angantyr

Though that's an exciting piece of the story, I can't help but think Max himself wrote it. It's all too good and centred around him, almost everything going so smoothly. A prodigy was found by an old bard, who saw through the dirt and rags to polish the diamond in the rough. I liked it, even though I often found elements of the story too convenient for the main character — I imagine this would be a story told by a campfire during one of the many stops the Carnival made in the wild. And the story would be told by Max himself.   Formatting-wise, the last parts felt a bit heavier than the beginning — the latter had shorter sections and fairly even paragraphs. And slowly towards the ending, it was more bullet-point-like. The sidebar squishes it, too, making it a little tight. Overall I think adding visuals could lighten up the structure, and the carnival wagons or the wild roads and plains could help the reader feel like the main character.   That was a nice piece of the story. Thanks! :D

Playing around with words and worlds
Feb 9, 2022 11:49

Oh, I think that's completely fair - Max's story is significantly more complicated than that, but - Max himself would gloss it all over very much as you see here, providing a fairly straight path from street thief to rock star, to carnival master. Good tips re: the formatting - will have another look at that when I get myself un-buried from the paid gigs...ugh. And glad you enjoyed! :)

Feb 14, 2022 15:00

I will say this is a fun read. Although usually I am not a fan of pop culture references, you pull it off in an interesting fashion! Franken-Stein's monster indeed. Max himself is mysterious and a fascinating man to meet, though I would like to see more about the real him - his flaws, his failures and delusions.

If you have some time, I would much appreciate your feedback on my entry for Adventure April: Carbon Copy Paradise
Feb 14, 2022 15:19

Thank you, Grandmaster Mashd! I've got an idea for another "Max story" percolating so there will definitely be more, and I just couldn't help myself with my rendition of the "Franken-Stein" Monster. LOL

Feb 18, 2022 17:16 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Great article :D I love Max's business senses and how he also gets involved into everything to gain more influence from it. Is he truly interested in the Donovengians or did he only joined them to gain immortality?

Feb 18, 2022 19:56

Thank you and I'm glad you enjoyed! :)   To answer your question - yes! Max is actually quite pleased that he was invited into the ranks of the Donovengians and not just for the immortality (I've got another Max story planned that will go into that part of his life in more detail). He's....complicated, but in the final analysis, one of the "good guys."