Dunú Organization in Borgalor | World Anvil
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Þagralic: Dunú /tʏːnu/

Dunú is a rock band formed three years ago in Anifir, capital of Þagralía in southwestern Jælondis, founded by and consisting of vocalist Kmóró, lutist Sparga, drummer Tazaxa and bassist Ogral. All band members are humans with mixed dwarven or elven ancestry, three of them are Þagralíans, while Tazaxa hails from East Jekralon.
The name means rough seas1 in þagralic, the sound of which the band frequently imitates or incorporates the sound of in its music.
The band has become hugely popular among the younger generation throughout Borgalor, particularly in the Southlands and Örkraz, while in Þagralía and East-Jekralon it has garnered controversy due to certain songs' emphasis on letting go of the past, which some perceive as criticism on the situation in Amþax and whether reclaiming that undead-infested region is really worth it.
Dunú has so far gone on tours in Hynra, Orgoll, Númra, Hmarg and most recently Hlörröm, where the band made a music video in the famed Brökúrró Ú Caves.

1Original icelandic: öldugangur.
Founding Date
37 AF
Entertainment, Music band


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