Southern Swords Organization in Biethal | World Anvil

Southern Swords

The Southern Swords are a brutal group of pirates in the Black Sails Brethren under the command of the ruthless Kieper Messle.


The Southern Swords Code
I. All orders from officers shall be obeyed, or the failure to be met with lashes or death as the commander sees fit.
II. Of any prize taken, one eighth is to be given to the Commander of the organization.
III. All crewmates are to turn over all captured wealth to their superior to be split between them. The captain may take up to Five shares, and officers no less then One and One quarter.
IV. Any crewmate found with blunt weapons or poorly maintained armor is to be subjected to no less than 10 lashes.
V. Any crewmate who displays Cowardice in battle shall be flogged or marooned as the captain sees fit.
Illicit, Pirate Crew
Parent Organization