The Language Language in Az-Atla Realm of the Lost Moon | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

The Language

M'lat sot’manphra tauto ze-kiafaet’astoi

Table of Contents
Lesson One Lesson Two Lesson Three Lesson Four Lesson Five Afterward

A few texts of note:
Dictionary of Joyful Insubstantial Things or the Dictionary of Grim and Unspoken Truths.
Dictionary of Daily Substantial Things.
Dictionary of Daily InSubstantial Things.

Lesson One:   He looked up into the old man’s eyes. They were kind, smiling. “My Little One, the first thing you must remember, is that it is always best to have a god’s favour.” The deep bushy covered eyes looked down at him. “You’ve seen me speak the words, but always I have the favour of Hernish, or do my best.”   “Why T’onnai?” he asked. A soft hand reached down and tousled his hair. He remembered it always smelled like soil, and it was always just a little dirty. The sky was really very blue.   “First what are the sounds that make all things? Do you remember, my Little One?”   He looked up again, but this time at the trees, way up. It helped him remember.   “A is for Acorns that become Stars”   “E is for Entrances through which we are Led”   “I is for Eating but never on our Feet”   “O is for Ordinary just like Pork”   “U is for Two just us and our Flute”   “Do I have to do all of them? Even the letters and duos?” He was rewarded with a. quiet chuckle and a deeper smile that roamed from his T’onnai’s eyes across weathered cheeks and brows all the way to the hand that held him kindly and firmly at his shoulder.   “No Little One, Just remember to practice them.”   “I do.” His voice was a little miffed by the implication that he wasn’t a good Little One.   “Of course, of course. You can’t be mad at an old man’s habits. Now as to your little curiosity. Listen and watch.”   He saw T’onnai let go of him and step closer to the cliff’s edge. The ocean came into sharp focus for a moment, and the sounds of the sea bird calls were crisp. The salt smell cutting, almost nauseating and the sun was hot on his skin. T’onnai stood so close to the edge, and looked right at him and he began to sing one of the Songs of Hernish, a feasting song. It wasn’t one of his favourite songs, but it was okay because it was about food.   And, he heard.   He heard the words of creation subtly woven into the song that his T’onnai sung. His T’onnai always added choruses or changed the verse. In this change he understood that it was something about an apple in someone’s hand.   T’onnai smiled at him a toothy grin at the song’s end, and he felt an apple in his hand. He held it up and it was a deep red apple, smelling crisp from summer’s sun. His T’onnai had faded a little, clearly less vibrant.   “Did you hear it?”   “Yes.”   “Did you understand?”   “Only a little…” he looked down with a small feeling of shame.   “Don’t worry, the practice will help. So, what parts did you understand?” His T’onnai’s deep eyes watched him. He felt their presence, their desire for him to understand.   “I understood apple, hand, being.” He thought for a moment more but could not think of other words he heard.   “Good, that is exactly it. Everything else was mostly ‘Kanting.” He smiled when his T’onnai confirmed that he had got it. There was a silent moment between the two. He knew that moment. It was the moment of him missing something obvious.   “T’onnai,” he asked tentatively, “But, you didn’t say my hand?” His T’onnai wooped with gladness and that startled him.   “YES! Exactly, you are so smart my Little One.” And he understood.   “So, Hernish understood that you wanted me to have the apple, because you sung a feasting song. And, feasting is about sharing.”   “Yes… so before you are ready for speaking, you will need to learn to sing. Or, perhaps you wish another god’s favour? I just hope it’s not Nuran.”   “Who’s Nuran?” he asked.   “Exactly….” his T’onnai said and was suddenly turned into a tree.  
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Short Vowels

a as in aloud   e as in entry   i as in eat   o as in ordinary   u as in to
Long Vowels

a’ as in car   e’ as in led   l’ as in eye   o’ as in pork   u’ as in loot
Creating:   Creating takes Ee-loque. Speak the words, supply the Ee-loque, and the world will be as you speak it.   Be warned.   It is always best to use words and word structures that are tested, known. Using new words or word structures is very dangerous. The world does not understand your intentions. It does not judge or interpret your words. Your own actions and their consequences are spoken by you. Creating is always limited by the ways of nature; its forms and structures.   If a god favours you, they will assist you as that is their blessing, to fill in the words you do not know, to keep you safe from your own mis-Speaking, so that the Creation serves both your purpose and their purpose.

Lesson Two:   He woke up. Eyes wide, with the word T’onnai screaming from his lips. He scrambled for a moment disorientated. It was morning with bright sunlight pouring though the bedroom window, and he had nearly hit his head the shelf above his bed.   “Student of Suffering, Tarlis-Faye! What is the matter this morning?” The voice of the Instructor of Penance boomed out from the room next door. She was clearly annoyed.   “Nothing, ma’am. Nothing, I just bumped my head on the shelf. Sorry for waking you.” There was no way he was going to admit to having a nightmare like a little child. As a recent graduate of the University he had a lot of work ahead of him; a lot of devotion to demonstrate.   “Well, as we’re up … meet me in the gardens,” was the Instructor’s response, and that meant that he and his fellow Student of Suffering had better be there before the Instructor. Imila wasn’t going to let him forget this for days.     The garden was in the back of the house. Fenced and surrounded by other houses. Imila pushed him as they entered.   “You owe me,” his fellow Student muttered. Imila was a thin Elf, even for Elves, but he more than made up for it with his too big personality. Small Elf Syndrome. They were both dressed in their training garb. Loose fitted clothing, pants and shirt. No footwear. No armour.   “Right. Now stop it. She’ll be here in a second.” They both went to the center of the garden, a large round platform surrounded by various urns and containers. There they stood waiting. The garden was perfectly maintained by the house staff. They were there in the background; trimming, sweeping, gardening. Each of them slaved or indentured.   She came into the garden already Saturated. Her simple white dress beyond white. Her honey golden skin just slightly more golden. Black hair swallowing light. Everything more vibrant than expected. And, with all of it, the stark and irrefutable aura of superiority that Saturation instills.   She looked at them, allowing the mere hint of her sneer of distain and disappointment to be known.   “Since you enjoy the sound of your own voice, Student of Suffering Tarlis … remind us of the proper pronunciation for each of the consonants and blends.”   He groaned. Such a simple task was just an opportunity to make a mistake and be ridiculed for it. She was really mad at him this morning.   “d, g, h, k, l, m, n, q, p, r, s, t, v, w, z…ng, wh, ou, in, um, qu, ph, ge” He didn’t make a mistake.   “Adequate. Student of Suffering Tarlis-Faye. Adequate.”   “Thank you Instructor of Penance Giahdi-Orlis.” He was relieved, but still not relaxed. Lessons with the Instructor required alertness, fear and unease if he wanted to achieve Adequate. As this was his first posting after graduation, it was distant from the Pinnacle in a remote rural community two days from anything but the coast of Folly. He also spent most of his time in lessons or practicing his Speaking with Imila. The Instructor of Penance had yet to deem them, Acceptable for the public eye. Adequate was sufficient for the back garden. It also did not escape either of the two Students that the public eye out here was mostly sheep herders, craftsmen, fishers and their dirty children.   “What are the component parts of the following sentence? Emplace, that which I point at in a cube of lead.”   “The subject verb, object clause, indirect object, and modifier clause,” was Imila’s slightly delayed answer.   “And?” continued the Instructor.   “At least two possible divergencies … at least, but I have not seen that sentence in the Civilized Lists of Speech so I do not know the totality of possible divergencies,” finished Imila.   “No, you have not. As it is not in the lists. If it was Spoken it would be Divergent. Could you Speak it?” the Instructor asked. This was not a question about translation, as both Students had sufficient skill to make the attempt. This was a question about character and worthiness.   “No,” was Tarlis’ instant response. “It would be impossible for me to do so.” The Instructor smiled. Imila said nothing.   “Now, gather Ee-Loque to yourselves, and let us more onward with today’s instruction.”   Imila quickly stepped off of the platform and went to an older Dwarf who was sweeping the path. After a quick conversation, the rainbow of breath passed from the Dwarf to Imila. Tarlis walked over to a younger woman, a human. She was picking weeds and gently hand tilling soil with a trowel and her fingers.   “Morning,” he said.   “Morning to you my lord,” she smiled. “May my breath be of service to you?”   “Janel, always a pleasure. Are you sure you will be fine?” He always asked. It seemed the right thing to do even though Janel was one of the Slaved.   “Of course, my duty, for my family’s Divergence.” She smiled. Tarlis preferred to come to Janel. She was sweet. “My Breath to your Breath.” The bright rainbow of breath flowed into him, and the world was more clear.   “Now,” rang the Instructor’s voice even though she merely spoke, “what is the 15th Structure of Logic and give me an example.”   “Subject noun main verb conjunction subject noun main verb noun object modifying dependent clause constructed of a subject noun and main verb,” stated Tarlis.   “Continue,” commanded the Instructor.   “Instructor of Penance Giahdi-Orlis I do not recall a sentence from the approved lists that meets the logic of the 15th Structure,” responded Tarlis.   “Umhm.” The Instructor turned to Imila and raised an eyebrow in challenge. Imila looked down. “Student of Suffering Tarlis-Faye, are you certain of your words…. recall or know?”   “I misspoke Instructor. I meant to say know. I do now know a sentence from the approved lists that meets the logic of the 15th Structure.” He had never seen the 15th structure in any of the lists he had read to this point.   “And, you Student of Suffering Imila-T’kolat? You have been rather silent this morning.” “I do not know a sentence that would satisfy the 15th Structure, Instructor.”   “Excellent, now you will both learn two lessons. The lesson of knowing what you mean to say, and an example of such a sentence that you are currently ignorant of…One lesson each. Such symmetry is always desirable.” The Instructor of Penance smiled at them in a very unkind manner and Spoke a sentence that was a perfect example of the 15th Structure of Logic which instantly broke both their left arms.   After, they managed to master the 15th Structure of Logic, they repaired their arms with permission from the Instructor. Tarlis and most certainly the Instructor noted how Imila seemed to be less skilled. Always having more Divergencies as a result of his Speaking. Imila would need to work more diligently on concentration during suffering.  
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Consonants:   d, g, h, k, l, m, n, q, p, r, s, t, v, w, z   There is no y letter. There is no j letter. There is no f letter.   The sounds that y, j and f represent have other letter representations.   Dipthongs/Digraphs:   ‘ng’ = ‘ng’ in ‘singer'   ‘wh’ = ‘wh’ in ‘whisper’   ‘ou’ = ‘aoo’ in ‘about'   ‘in’ = ‘een’ in ‘seen’   um’ = ‘oom’ in ‘loom’   ‘qu’ = ‘kick’ in ‘kicks’   ‘ph = ‘f’ in ‘fish'   ‘ge’ = ‘j” in ‘jump’   Inserted Stops and Clicks:   C’C – short exhaled pause with stress on the first consonant.   C’V – exhaled blend to vowel with stress on the vowel.   V’C – short exhaled pause with stess on vowel.   V’V – click with tognue on roof of mouth behind teeth and sound made in the back of the mouth.   C-V/V-C – full stop between. Stress on vowel.
If the Ee-loque given is well intended, it will tend towards your intentions.   If the Ee-loque given is ill intended, it will tend towards that which is counter to your intentions.     Complexity requires more Ee-loque.

Lesson Three:   “Now,” said the warm voice of the T’onnai, “when you want to tell someone something, what is the simplest way you can do that?” The shelf behind T’onnai’s head was a clutter with their life; plates, pots, lids and all the bits and pieces.   “I tell them?” he remembered how small his voice was. Like a bird or perhaps a rabbit.   “Yes, fair point,” T’onnai leaned in closely and whispered, “But… what if I told you that everything you said was things and the doings of things, and that every other word was just a way to better describe those things and what they are doing” He said it like a deep secret, something that only adult’s would know and understand, and him.   The T’onnai winked at the secret shared and then set back in his chair. “So?” he asked. The table between them had been made three years ago. Him helping the T’onnai. It was solid wood, sturdy, and was the center piece of their living space. And even though they had sanded it perfectly smooth, he could feel the grain of it against his palms as his hands rested. They did practically everything on it. Right now was lessons.   “Everything?” he asked, thinking himself clever. “Even if it’s just one word?”   T’onnai laughed enjoyment at his Little One’s wit, and then replied, “Yes … even that one word, because of all of the unspoken words that went with it.”   He looked down at his fingers and started counting, “Twelve… twelve unspoken words.”   “Let me guess,” his T’onnai ventured. “Is everything I say a thing or the doing of a thing?”   “Yes!” he looked at the T’onnai in surprise. “How did you know?”   “Little One, I have studied words and how they go together for a very long time. So, I am good at guessing what could be said. With practice and lessons, you will be skilled at guessing people’s words as well.” T’onnai was younger. Less tarnished, his skin more smooth than wrinkle. His eyes piercing and also inviting.   “Then, you would need always at least two words, the thing and the doing? Even if one of them is unspoken. Is that right?” he asked quickly jumping to that conclusion, although uncertainly.   “Yes, indeed… very clever, Little One. The common speech word – syntax – means the way that speech is made, it’s parts and how those parts are put together.” T’onnai held out his hand to the Little One and both looked at it for a second, as T’onnai held it in front of them. “You must know what you are speaking about and what it is doing.” T’onnai moved his hand up and down. “So, describe what you are seeing.”   “Your hand is moving up and down,” he said without hesitation.   T’onnai nodded, “That is a very good start. Now, what is the thing that is doing?”   “Your hand, T’onnai.”   “Excellent, and of course…”   “The doing is moving up and down.” T’onnai smile and patted the Little One on the head.   “You are so correct, and I will tell you more.” His T’onnai turned around and reached back onto the shelf and brought down a pad of paper and a pen.   “Look here, my curious Little One,” and hid T’onnai began to write and draw.   First T’onnai wrote what he had just said. And, then T’onnai underlined the word ‘hand’ and the word ‘moving’. “These two words are the thing and the doing. Now what of the word, ‘your’ and the words ‘up and down’?” He put a little box around the word ‘your’ and the words ‘up and down’. There was a pause, and then he asked in a very gentle voice, “Can you tell me why they are important?”   “The word ‘your’ tells us that we are speaking about … your hand?” He chuckled at that, because he used the exact phrase he had used. T’onnai also chuckled a little, before agreeing. “And,’ he continued, “the words ‘up and down’ tell us how your hand is moving.”   “Exactly, all words that tell us about a thing or the doing are called modifiers. So, quick challenge…what are the modifiers in this sentence: The large cat loves to eat fat rats under the house.”   He frowned a little as he thought about his answer, but after a moment finally said. “Large, to eat, fat, under house.” He looked at T’onnai.   “What about the word ‘the’?”   “Err… I couldn’t figure out what they were in the sentence. I thought they were modifiers, but if you take them out… well, the sentence is the same, just sounds strange.”   T’onnai clapped in appreciation, one loud enthusiastic clap, “Ha! Completely, and totally correct! Well done. So, now listen this is important, what I’m about to tell you. So listen.” T’onnai’s voice had taken on that solid feel that happened when he wasn’t supposed to speak, but just listen because what was said next was important, so important it was heavy with it. “It is not enough to know the proper words for thing and the doing, the Speaking follows rules about how the words are put together. You need to know the rules, because breaking the rules twists what you are saying, twists the Creating. Remember, we speak things because it is a reflection of what we know to be true. That truth shapes our words and our words shape the truth.” His T’onnai stood up to get something else … and then vanished into the horizon just outside the window.  
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Syntax:   SN: Subject Noun
ON: Object Noun
-NP: "x" Noun Phrase
-NM: “x” Noun Modifier
-NMP: “x” Noun Modifier Phrase   SV: Subject Verb
AuV: Auxiliary Verb
-VP: "x" Noun Phrase
-VM: “x” Verb Modifier
-VMP: ‘x’ Verb Modifier Phrase   Independent clause:   The main idea or intention of what is being said.
We walk.
I[SN/SV] or I[SV/SN]
  By extension
I[SN+SNM/SV+SVM] similarly…
I see far
I[SN/SV+SVM]   Dependent clause:   A clause of the sentence that is not an independent clause. This is a clause that supports another clause of the sentence.

Written Grammar:
For the purposes of translation into modern languages, and maintaining clarity of syntax these conventions are generally followed.

Capitals begin clauses.
Sentences flow from left to right, top to bottom of the medium.
Follow general conventions of the language that you are translanting into where they do not violate syntax rules.

  Modifier Phrases:   A group or single word that is not a complete idea, but aguments, inflects, or in any way modifies a noun or a verb.

The chair rests against the wall.
    Adjective phrase.
A phrase that modifies a noun.
The dog made the ball as dirty as snot.   Adverbial phrase.
A phrase that modifies a verb.
The dog perks up quickly when it sees him.   A modifier word or phrase may appear before or after the noun, but it must remain in the same clause as the noun. Similarly for verbs.
Declarative sentences have a mid tone through speaking.   Interogative sentences have a rising tone through speaking.   Imperative sentences begin high and drop low in tone through speaking.

Lesson Four:   He woke up. Eyes wide, with the word T’onnai choked from his lips. He scrambled for a moment disorientated. It was morning with bright sunlight pouring though the bedroom window, and he was used to waking up like this. He didn’t understand why he kept having these dreams about this person T’onnai, but it was tiring. Just more than four decades of these dreams. Not all the time, no, but enough … at least once or twice a year. And, the panic. There was always the panic that ruined any semblance of rest.   For a few moments he sat on the edge of the bed with his hands resting on his thighs. He needed the moment to muster the energy to just get on with it. It being his day off. It being a date. It being a date with someone who caused him to feel all of burning up, freezing cold, nausea, dizziness, shortness of breath and excited and everything at once. And, he enjoyed it, and hated it.   He stood and started his day. The ritual was, make bed, select clothes, abultions, check equipment, get dressed and plan how he would instructor his student’s in the merits of suffering. At least that is what he would have done, but instead he simply got up and spent his day anxiously preparing for the date.   They sat on the blanket together facing the sunset. She rested in his arms, and they both silently watched the cascade of colours melting into the ocean. The waves of the World Sea crashed below them on the sandy beaches at the feet of the Folly Cliffs . And behind them the evening sky and its dome of brilliant stars would soon over take them.

Her Glorious Realm: Az-Atla Realm of the Lost Moon
This is a commisoned map displayed at the Brotherhood Citadel of Virr'la. The map is not used by Citizens as it is more social then geographical. There are no roads on this map. Distances are shown from the Capitals to the Pinnacle in days traveled. Tary'Ol of the Green's own editorial regarding the map's creation comments on the "uselessness of placing roads and other 'citizen-based landmarks' when describing Her Realm and Glory."

“Talis, do you love me?” she asked him as she gently caressed his arm. She pressed herself deeper into him.   “That’s an interesting question,” he commented.   “Oh, it seems a rather predicable question at this point,” she turned to him and looked into his face, watching him. “We’re Human’s Talis, we don’t have eternity to piss about like Elves.” He smiled at her intentional vulgarity. “And, we have been rather intimate, rather frequently.” Her hand slipped down between them and placed itself in a rather threatening position.   “Coral, no need for that. I love you as much as I am permitted to love you.” She blinked at that answer.   “First the Devouring Mother, then the Law. All else forgotten,” she said as she continued to look at him. Her pale white hair flowing down past her shoulders framing her stark almost too angular face. Without warning she kissed him deeply.   He was surprised. This was not the reaction that he had been expecting. The kiss continued. “Well, now that we’ve got that sorted…” Coral continued.   “Wait, you’re not upset?” he held her back a moment a residual sense of disbelief lingered with him.   She shifted a little, so that his hands pressed against her more intimately, “Talis, what more can I have of you? It’s the Devouring Mother, and me. Those are your loves. That’s the way it should be. Anything else, or anyone less would be unacceptable.” And, that understanding of the truth of things was why he loved her. He kissed her, and continued to do so.   He woke up later in the night with her in his arms, or at least that was what he was expecting. They hadn’t left their blanket on the Folly Cliffs, just fallen asleep; together. He was a little bit cold, so reached over for more blanket. Her bag was resting on the blanket, pining, and so he pulled the bag to the side. When he did, he saw the notebook. He didn’t notice right away, but then the bag fell over, and the notebook opened. It opened to a page with words that were not familiar, but written in a familiar language, or at least the derived written language that Paragons used when they want to talk about the language. He took it from her bag, and quickly flipped through its pages, and he was horrified, mad, and that became an inexorable profound sense of aching soul wrenching betrayal.   The notebook had elements of the language’s syntax and structure clearly laid out as if the text had been copied directly from the notes or texts of Paragon; clear, concise and ordered, but also interspersed, in a seemly random manner, where pages with lists and diagrams. Lists of words, Divergent words and diagrams explaining Divergent concepts. He held the book loosely in his hands, nauseous from the implications that burst into his mind and through his body like a horrible spider spinning webs of connections that should never have been woven.   Coral would die. He would be punished. This notebook lost in the library of That Which Never Is, M’lat k’arki-ad’weho. That was the best outcome. And, only if he did not kill her, or she did not kill him.   “Coral!!” he screamed for the tenth time. He had the notebook in his hand, and he was walking along the cliff edge looking for her. The night had deepened, perhaps the stars had dimmed. But, there was a heavy sense of the dark about. “Coral!!!”   “I am here my love,” she replied a little distant. He walked quickly. He didn’t know what he was going to do, but he did know he wanted answers. He needed. “Come, look at the sky in the World Sea.” She was standing near the cliff’s edge in her simple robe. If he had been a little more calm he would have noted that, the edge.   “What is this?!” he demanded holding the notebook high above in his hand. “What have you done?”   She was beautiful; a pale ephemeral light against the dark sky dome and ocean scape, like a candle wick right before it died away, and that made him pause. For a moment he felt a sensation of catastrophic revelation where he knew that something he had known to be True was, False. He felt as if the ground had fallen away from under him and that he was falling through oblivion. His foundation had been taken away. He stumbled.   “Did you ever?” he asked as he looked upon her from his hands and knees. The book momentarily forgotten in the soil and grass.   She looked at him, smiled and said, “I have always. That is why I am here. I have always loved you as much as I was permitted to.” That hurt him, but also relieved him. Before he could stand, she turned and leapt from the cliff. As he screamed, he might have heard her singing. One of the lines in her song might have been – T’onnai, I am the space between the Sky Dome and the World Ocean which is vast uncontrollable and free, but in the language.   And, so it was.
He stood at the cliff’s edge, looking for her in that space between.  
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Noun Cases   Nominative – noun is subject of sentence
Objective – noun is being acted upon by main relation of the sentence.
Indirect – noun is affected by the action of the main relation but is not directly acted upon by the main relation.   Possessive – noun is the owner of another. In this case no category suffix is used. The possessive noun comes before the noun that is owned.
The man’s cat eats.
Madur mor’katturra’ti kaibor’gar
Noun Categories   Can either be open (allow additions or removals) or closed (does not allow additions or removals)   Agent – things that could speak creation.
Active Agent – Things that can be Saturated.
Passive Agent – Things that cannot be Saturated.   Non-Agent – things that cannot ever speak creation.
Vibrant – things that create breath.
Dull – things that absorb breath.   Nouns without noun category suffixes are modifiers.
Category Suffix Madur (man) Inkaser (computer) Ahara (flower) Toron (wind) Iollu (door) Man in Faid
Active r r --- --- --- --- r
Passive ra --- ra --- --- --- ---
Non-Agent at --- --- at at at ---
Dull -im --- -im --- -im -im -im
Vibrant 'ti 'ti 'ti --- --- ---
Final Madurr'ti Inkaserra-im Aharaat'ti Toronto-im Illouat-im Madurr-im

Lesson Five:   The glass of juice was cold in his hand. It was lunch and he was sitting on the back porch watching the trees in the breeze. He loved the trees. And, the small ones in particular, that were just beginning. Perhaps he loved those a little more because he also felt like he was just beginning. The whole of them would bend in the strong winds, and he would watch afraid that they would break in half, but he’d never seen that happen. Nur-ymir was strong, even the parts of it that were new grown.   The old man walked into the porch and sat beside him. The old man also had a glass of juice. The sun was hot. The trees were tall and casting shadows that cooled. The old man took a sip. He seemed taller than remembered, or perhaps that was just the simple fact that they were sitting. But, the old man’s eyes were the same, and the wrinkles that almost seemed to make him appear ancient and young at the same time, those wrinkles still criss-crossed the old man’s face like a cryptic map. It was like seeing two people at the same time, he thought. Or, perhaps one person at two different points in their life.   “So, My Little One, what shall we discuss this afternoon, doing words or the skill of Kanting?”   “Both,” he said firmly. He wanted to grow faster and knowing all about Ee’loque and the language was a big part of that.   The old man chuckled, took a sip of his juice, and simply started. “Very well, Kanting is not the language. Kanting is the sounds that we use, and the Paragons too, to hide the language. Imagine if when you created you only used the language, then everyone would know that what was created was the result of your words, the language. That would not be a good thing. Any sounds can be used for Kanting, so each one of us who knows the language Kants slightly differently. And, the Paragons Kant the same."   “Why is that?”   “Oh, well… each person finds certain sounds easier to say, or perhaps one person has a particular poetic style, or perhaps the god that they seek favour from prefers certain ways and sounds. But, the Paragon’s are all trained to Kant identically, through rigorous practice. It’s another easy way to identify who is Divergent and who is Civilized.”   “Couldn’t we learn to Kant like Paragons?” he asked uncertain why they didn’t. It should be possible.   “Oh, certainly… but like all languages, Kanting nuances are specific. We’d have to go to their University. They train for 4 years in that building. I don’t know about you, but I have no interest in learning how to speak or Kant like a Paragon, or anything like a Paragon.” The old man took a sip from his juice. “It’s why we’re out here in the middle of Nur-ymir, days away from anything Civilized.”   “So, I’ll Kant like you?” he asked.   “No, you’ll Kant like ‘us.’ You’re part of a long tradition of Divergent people My Little One. There aren’t many of us, but we are an us. In this way you’ll know someone from our tradition right away.”   “How?” he was very interested. The idea that one day he could just randomly meet someone and know that they could be trusted.   “Well, that ‘how’ is why we practice Kanting. It’s more then just hiding the language when it is used. You can slip the Kant into regular speaking, not the words of course, but the sounds. Here… listen to this.”   The old man then asked where the bathroom was. The first time he said it regularly, in common speak. The second time he added sounds, tones and inflections from Kanting. And, then he said it for a third time, adding sounds, tones and inflection from Kanting, but in an entirely different way than the second time. All three times it was clear that he was asking where the bathroom was, but the second two times, the ‘accent’ used was the same. Although the third time sounded really stupid.   “That third time was strange,” he said.   “Yes, because I broke the rules of our Kanting and moved the sounds to all of the wrong places.”   “So, Kanting is designed to be hard to learn.”   “Yes, it is. It’s as important as learning to speak the language properly. I’ve only ever seen one person mimic a Kant perfectly…..” the old man let that thought trail off.   “A paragon.”   “Yes, they were a Taint Master.” The two of them sat in silence for a moment watching the trees and fauna of the Green.   “I’m happy you survived,” he said.   The old man chuckled, “Oh, they weren’t looking for me, My Little One. Master the Kant, and you’ll be fine. Rest assured. But, also… remember to be prepared.” The old man tousled his hair.   “ And,” continued the old man, “if it takes 4 years for the Paragons to allow their new ones out into the Realm, how long do you think it will take us?” The old man looked at him, watching him to see if the logical connections began to click. The Paragon’s had 10s of thousands of years of recorded experience, the Ancient Wisdoms, and most importantly the Blessings of Her Will. Everything Civilized supported the Paragons.   “40?” he replied, merely guessing.   The old man laughed and finished his juice, “Oh, certainly not that long, if you pay attention. But long enough. Now, you wanted to know about words of doing. Have you studied the list I gave you?”   “Yes, I have. Its short, so I memorized it.”   “Good, good… and tell me about the list.”   “Well, it was actually two lists. One list was a list of doing words, and the other list was how to properly form those words, when speaking them.” The old man nodded. “How did those lists get made?” he asked.   “I wrote them. I used my favourite pencil and good quality paper.”   “No, come on. Ha Ha.. you know what I meant. The language is set, we can’t make up words,” he stated. It was a basic law. One of the basic laws.   The old man smiled, “Fair… those two short lists represent years of discovery, years of dangerous experimentation trying to find the words for things, and always adding to the lists. We have other lists. Lists of sentences too. Lists for all different kinds of the language’s words.” The old man took a sip from his juice. It was a particular colour of pink this time. He looked at the glass, momentarily distracted. Hadn’t the old man been drinking an orange juice?   “So…. That means that the Paragons are the strongest tradition, because they have the best and longest lists.” He said this with a breath of awe.   “True,” the old man said with sadness. “But, they are also the most constrained. They are forbidden from speaking in any form of Divergence. We… are not.” The old man finished his juice, again. The old man winked. “Now there is a third list.”   “Well, you just said that there were lots of lists,” he said watching the old man’s juice glass.   “Fair,” the old man smiled. “But this third list is rather different, perhaps … special. This third list is also about doing words, but it’s about how the words can placed in a family based on the relationship of the words being talked about. And, when the doing word is placed in a family, then the intention of the doing is better understood. Any doing word can be placed in a family, although… doing so can be unpredictable if you are not certain how the Creation will be once spoken. The relationships between things takes a long time to understand.”   “What do you mean?” he asked.   “Well, consider the Family of Relationship with the Self, add Imi to the main word. If I say, I am a woman, and I speak that … well, I most certainly would be a woman, and if I am not careful I could be any woman, and who knows which woman I might end up being … but if I say … Imi-ad’weho sedar… then I am ‘myself’ as a woman. So, imagine me as an older woman. But….” the old man paused for emphasis “I would never speak either of those sentences.”   “Because we don’t know exactly what will happen?” he asked. The wind past through the tree branches, rustling them. There was a moment of harsh vibrant green that hurt the eyes to the point of causing them to water, so he rubbed them. The moment past.   “Yes, the possible number of undesirable outcomes is too high for my liking with those particular sentence structures.” The old man swirled his juice before taking a sip. It was back to orange. There was a considerable pause in the conversation. A few sips of juice were had in quiet contemplation of Nur-ymir’s majesty and beauty, and perhaps some rumination regarding list and the implications of ‘undesirable outcomes’ was also indulged.   “The lists of words and sentences are safe?” he asked. The old man grunted and looked into the distance. His gaze locked onto something entirely not Nur-ymir.   “Safe, because other people were brave enough to attempt them, and lucky enough … or prepared enough be able to tell us the outcome. So, yes… safe.”   “And, I could if I wanted … attempt different sentence structures and attempt to discover the words for things yet not known?” The implications fell into place in his mind like toppling dominoes. “If I did that… “   “Yes, if you managed to not suffer some tragic end, you would know something that no other person would know, and that would give you the ability to …” the old man looked as if a little piece of rotten food was stuck between his teeth … “alter or whatever it was.” The old man turned his gaze directly on him. “Remember, the universe is unforgiving.” And then the old man vanished into a near by butterfly.  
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Conjugation of verbs follows simple rules.
There is only one tense in the language.
The Present tense.   Singular
I = root(-v)+o
You = root(-v)+or
They = root(-v)+ar   Plural
We = root(-v)+oi
You = root(-v)+ori
They = root(-v)+ari   Time:
Past = Present - time
Future = Present + time
My apple tree grows ten times faster than normal yesterday.
The man I am speaking with is on fire at lunch tomorrow.
Root   To Be: ad’weho
To Be Born: kiafaet’ast
To Be Burning/On Fire: kiteadeldi-dwe
To Be Beyond: phyriru’tanpl-wen
To Break (in function): kra'brge-otru
To Break (into pieces): sun'whirangu
To Destroy: eio'legangart
To Eat: kaibor’ge
To Feel: saphin’aite
To Fire: tira-hiskge’ta
To Harm: skage-kihio
To Hit: rape’slatu
To Know: viko-nmohi
To Leave: kipha’ate
To Like: pailika'mens
To Love: renohra’elka
To Make (to bring into being): hang’reafe
To Need: beztiap’ur
To Own: esdehwat'igea
To See: sgew-eket
To Speak: takorerop’le
To Swim: sin’gekou
To Walk: gan’taere
To Want: velti-velge
Family   Verb families add a context of relationship to the nouns referenced by the verb. The use of a verb family prefix is appropriate when the sentence reflects the relationship and the prefix emphasises this, or when the sentence needs the relational context added to provide a truer expression of the reality being expressed.   Families of verbs share the same infinitive prefix.   Here are some of the known families of verbs.   Relationships of the Self
Imi-ad’weho = to physically be something
I am a man.
Ad'weho madurr'ti. - This is a simple statement of fact identifying gender.
Imi-ad'weho madurr'ti. - This a statement that your sense of self is male, that you identify with the roles and norms of male-ness, and by inclusion your gender is male.
Consider these constructions:
Imi-ad'weho madurr'ti rrka Ad'weho sedarr'ti.
Imi-ad'weho madurr'ti rrka Ad'weho sedarr'ti rrka Ka'r ad'weho madurr'ti.
  Imi-kaibor’ge = to eat of one’s self
Placing the verb kiabor'ge within this family emphasises that whatever you are eating, is something that you consider a fundamental part of youself.   Relationships of Impact
Ki-ad’weho = to cause another to be
The pin in my hand makes Bill angry.
Pinika t’lanan rin'gondar m'lat esdehwat'igeo Ad'wehar riredurak billr'ti. - In this statement the hand being discussed may be the hand attached to myself or any hand that I own and there is some uncertainity as to the nature of the cause of Bill's anger.
Pinika t'lanan rin'gondar m'lat imi-esdehwat'igeo Ki-ad'wehar riredurak billr'ti. - Here the statement is clear the the hand is a part of me and that it is the pin and its condition that is causing Bill's anger.
In both cases, Bill could also be the owner of the hand.   Ki-kaibor’ge = to cause another to eat
Hunger makes them eat.   Relationships of Shared Experience
Ze-ad’weho = to be with something. - A statement of this nature speaks to the relationship between things such that there is a sharing of state of being between the subject and something else.
Etakih'ungran mor'katurra rrka sadarr'ti ze-ad'wehari.
The cat and the girl are hungery at the same time together now.   Ze-kaibor’ge = to eat with something   Relationships with the Insubstantial
Age-ad’weho = to be in a state of mind.
Bob is angry.
Bobr'ti ad'wehar riredurak. - Is not a correct statement. 'Riredurak' as the root form is a modifer so must be beside the word it modifies.
Bobr'ti riredurak ad'wehar. - Is a statment indicating that Bob is the thing that is anger. Poetic, and very dangerous to Speak.
Bobr'ti riredurak age-ad'wehar. - is a statment about Bob's current emotional state; that being anger.   Age-kaibor’ge = to eat something imaginary
Bob eats the best pizza.   Relationships of Symbiosis
He-ad’weho = to be symbiotic with something
They/forest are/is benefiting the forest/them.   He-kiabor’ge = to eat something you are symbiotic with
They/forest eat/s of the forest/them which they benefit.   Relationships about Ownership
Ki-ad’weho – to be the owner/owned of something
The horse is owned by the shop.   Ki-kiabor’ge – to eat something you own/owns you
She wants to eat the cheese that she owns.   Relationships with the Past
Nim-ad’weho – to be connected/with/influenced the past.

Afterward   He woke up. Eyes wide, with the word T’onnai whispered in his mind. He was sitting behind his desk in his office. The bright white light now harsh to his eyes and they adjusted. He had been preparing classes for the next week. Some of his First Class students were fairly smart, and then there were always a few who would end up in Faid. He and the other instructors had already flagged those special students.   Those too Divergent to be Civilized.   He remembered Coral. She was the reason why he had been exiled back to the University. What better way to ensure Civility, then to teach it under the loving eyes of his superiors. He remembered his love of her, and the outlandishly Divergent Speaking she used to escape. He rubbed his neck and shoulders, the scars and pains of his time with the Pioneers, now permanently a part of him. As he looked at the door that led to his room that he could not leave without permission, he acknowledged that a part of him also wished he had escaped. He quickly turned away from that thought. Paying attention to it was like paying attention to something in the shadows that was barely hinted at, a thing that you both wanted and feared in totality. Paying attention to that part of him that wanted out, made the rest of him wary, anxious in the knowledge that a great doom was so close, and so desired.   He was older now. Forty years of teaching in addition to all those other years, made him old for a human. Coral was long ago. Much of his life was long ago. And, much of his life had been spent in the University. He didn’t really remember his childhood. He strongest memory from that time being when he was found by the Instructor and two Students walking by the cliffs. He had been nine or ten, around that age. He’d never been certain. Then years in the University just growing up and learning, then some time on assignment, then Coral… and back into the University. He chuckled, as he realized he may have just come full circle. But, had he?   Full circle would be returning to the cliffs.
Full circle would be leaving the University.
Full circle would be … he shied away from it again, and in so doing stumbled onto something else. A thought that was just as outlandish as Coral; so deliciously Divergent.   He got up suddenly and moved to his reference shelves. He was possessed with a need to know if what if he had thought could be done. The sentences that prevented him from opening the door and leaving where structured around who he was now.   His office was a mess. Books lay across the floor, half opened, tossed aside, or in some cases with pages torn out. One wall lay exposed, the shelving moved aside, out of the way. One the wall was pages of handwritten notes. Notes in Kanting. He was on his desk, on his hands and knees writing frantically. The office was so quiet that the sound of his shallow controlled breathing and the scratching of his pen filled the room. It was the sound of someone diligently working, calmly working. It was the sound of Civilied behaviour. And, it was intentional. He knew that the sentence structures he was exploring were Divergent. They were not on any lists. He knew that.   He knew that they could watch him. He had done so himself with his students. Such was the power of the Ancient Wisdoms.
He knew that watching someone work diligently was numbingly boring. Calm breath and pen scratching. Calm breath. Frantic mind. Steady hand. Heart Pounding.   The sentence structures had to be complicated enough to limit divergence, but simple enough that he did not need to pull any extra breath. He had never attempted anything un-Civilized. And, even if he didn’t succeed, he would still need to destroy the evidence of how he had done it.   Had he accounted for every likely possible divergence?   He felt he was ready, now.   The office had been returned to its proper state. Shelves returned and books replaced. His notes he had piled neatly in the middle of the floor, stacked to light on fire. Speaking fire was the simple; especially if uncontrolled. It was in fire’s nature to just grow and transform. Everything he had worked on was now contained on a single piece of paper. Three paragraphs of Kant and the language. It was divergent writing of twisted structure taken from the Lists and his own creative-self.   He began to speak.
He felt the creation of his words. He felt his breath burn out of him; consumed. He felt the heat from the fire as it burned down his notes to ash.
And, when he was done, then he smiled. An unexpected thing had happened. He was still in his office, but he was not alone. Coral was with him. He could see her distantly and hear her speaking to him. His body was no longer his own. Or perhaps he now he was only himself more truly revealed. When he examined his hands, even though they looked the same, they were also very different.   Coral has been expecting him.
This had been the plan.
He could now be whom he was meant to be.
  He left the office blazing with fire. The door out no longer barred to him, as he was no longer just Instructor of Devotions Tarlis-Faye. He was himself, The T’onnai. Devotee of Hernish and Eternal Master of Song.
All of his Tradition restored to him.  
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Sentence Construction   Simple = 1 Independent Clause
Complex = 1 Independent Clause w/ any number of Dependent Clauses
Compound = 2 Independent Clause
[We walk fast] until [the sun is below the horizon.]
[SN/SV+VM]+[SN/SV+ON]   Compound Complex = 2 Independent Clauses w/ any number of Dependent Clauses.
Conglomerated – Any number of Independent Clauses w/ any number of Dependent Clauses   How much Ee'loque?   1a.One way of judging how much Ee’loque a Speaking would use could be to count the number of phrases in a sentence. One phrase burns one level of Ee’loque.
1b.Or perhaps each noun and each verb and each modifier?
2.Or perhaps the number of eliminated Divergent outcomes?
3.Or a combination of 1 and 2.   The room through the door in front of me is on fire.
Am’bergumaat-im phyriru’tanpl-wen Iolluat-im t’lanan phra’andeva ika sgeala-huwenr’ti kiteadeldi-dwar

Method 1a: 5 levels of Ee’loque.
Method 1b: 5 levels of Ee’loque.
Method 2: 1 level of Ee’loque, given that the only eliminated Divergent outcome is that the fire does not expand beyond the room.
Method 3: 6 levels.   A few interesting Divergent outcomes to add excitement to your narrative:
a. The entire room remains on fire, forever.
b. The room and all of its contents are on fire, eventually becoming fire.
c. Only those things that are on fire can enter the room.
d. The fire that is the room creates an ever present draft of air that sucks loose objects and small items into the room.

Also will this structure be better?
Through the door in front of me is a room and that room is on fire.

  Players who create their own spell sentences that have not been 'tested' by their/a tradition are risk takers. Hopefullly, the Ee'loque they are using is good intended, and they have the favour of a god... or two.

The intention is to allow a game master to use any spell list from any rule system as is while making the magic system fit in the setting of Az-Atla, and provide an alternative manner to manage spell casting.

Almost all game systems have lists of spells with clear descriptions of what they do. Some systems have list by class, level, or some such. This lists can be directly incorperated into the spell system of Az-Atla as 'known traditional lists'.
The setting as already set up the expectation that Paragons will have the most extenisve, the most researched, and the safest spell lists, which automatically places them at extreme advantage over other organizations/traditions who have spell lists.

Consider the potential contrast of the secret soceity of Vèf'Mis Kunnsa-Ttu'hine who clearly have access to some lists, but what lists and how extensive are they?

Or perhaps the true order of O'dan.

In this spell system any citizen/player can have spell access, if they know the correct spell sentences, and if they are willing to experiment.

Dictionary of Joyful Insubstantial Things or the Dictionary of Grim and Unspoken Truths:   Amissdia:
That moment in the morning where you and your lover are just in bed or wherever you are, the day hasn’t started yet and you are wrapped in each others arms and you have that sense of slow happy anticipation of what they day could be if you and your lover just didn’t leave each other’s embrace. It’s a little whimsy, a small hope that brings a warm joy.   Apeph-rirbodi:
A sense of deep foreboding that the next insignificant decision that you make will in fact be profoundly important, and that you will never know the details of why it will be so important, how it will be important, or to whom it will be important to. The sense of foreboding stays with you like a sour taste, or a lower back ache. Your only hope to escape is to forget the important of that insignificant decision, but of course you can’t stop thinking about. The mystery of its profundity traps you.   Arohas'kaemei:
The moment when you are in a large group of people sharing the experience of ritual, performance, or of cultural importance and you suddenly have a feeling of deep unreserved connection to not only the people you are with, a sense of unity and love, but also knowing that you are deeply connected to a higher ideal then yourself, or perhaps a greater destiny. You are happy and ready to do what is needed.   Emohe'okikau:
A sudden moment of realization that your excitement and enjoyment of the moment is only a means for coping with a deep unspoken underlying fear of what you are currently doing. That you would do anything to avoid experiencing that fear, so being excited and happy is the best choice. And, that after all of that self-enlightenment, you are uncertain how to feel, because now your enjoyment and excitement will be forever conntected to that fear.   Dlor'moithatri:
A sudden realization that you are witnessing a moment being shared by others that you experienced in your past. That right now, while they are sharing that moment, you have been reduced to an outsider forever denied that shared experience again. In that bitter moment the sense of loss you immediately feel almost brings you to tears, while also making you furious.   Horo'ipplomun:
While bathing, a sense of knowing what to do with regards to something that was in the back of your mind, that you sensed was important to you. As if the act of washing yourself also washed away whatever it was that prevented you from understanding clearly and in that perfect crystallized moment what was needed. Like your body, your mind and spirit feel refreshed, eager.   Kasgeal-ph'ida:
The collective totality of your own inner world. Emotions, ideas, thoughts, random ramblings and anything that your own self can conceive, that is solely and entirely yours until you decide to share it with others, gifting it to the shared reality of the ‘other’.   Ke-kont'harin:
A moment in your day of a little joy because you realize something just happened that you thought would never happen because it only happens in the movies or in stories of about someone else. It’s one of those … did that just happen? It did!! That’s so cool and funny, moments that brighten your day. Like a flare of hope, if your day has been long and dark.   Kuarrihatr'npri:
A feeling of slight disappointment with your partner, because they are not the illusion you have of them in your mind that is based on all of the past memories you have of them combined with your future fantasies. It is this illusion that you have those awkward conversations with, that you think of when they are away, and that ultimately participate in all of your unspoken fantasies. It’s confusing because you are a very sad and still very happy at the same time.   Nih'gazviktra:
A moment of catastrophic revelation where you realize that something you knew to be True is in truth, False. The feeling of having the ground fall away from under you, and immediately falling through oblivion as your foundations are taken away.   Oko'hiotme:
The subtle experience of saying something significant to you and realizing that who you were speaking to did not understand; a sense of isolation when confronted with a blank stare of incomprehension.   Pe'otehismphor:
An unbearable sense of oppression that comes upon you suddenly when you are confronted with the traditations and expectations of your culture; what they require of you, or perhaps how they limit you. This is instantly coupled with a desperate need to excape, to break free into uncharter territory and the fear of whatever you would excape into. But, you just sit and endure it all.   U'drsezin:
A moment of both awe and disbelief experienced when confronted with the clear evidence that you don’t know how your species has survived. For example, signs in the bathroom of a conference center both claiming environmental responsibility for recycling their flush water, while at the same time reminding people that the water from urinals and toilets is not meant for drinking.   Wair'husdatira:
When you trust a person to know things even though in reality they may only know a little bit about things. And, yet you still find yourself trusting them to know things. It’s not because they are trying to fool you, but the exact opposite, they are in fact attempting to dissuade you of the idea that they know things, or learn from you. Still you have this sense that they know things.  

Dictionary of Daily Substantial Things:   Adult – Ti’dram
Boy = Medur
Book = Okaliv
Cat = Mor’kattur
Child = Sti’dramit
Computer = Inkaser
Day = Gerat’agur
Dictionary = Taut’okalivd’ku
Door = Iollu
Flower = Ahara
Girl = Sadar
Giant = Rizat’ste
Grass = Taruvirr
Hand = Rin'gondar
Home = Lankain’eg
Hunger = Etakih'ungran
Kanting = Ze-takorerop’loi D’kila takorerop’le ika ennatahi = (we are) Speaking to speak (about the) of One.
Language = Odteti
Man = Madur
Myself = Sgeala-huwen
Night = Nuat’agur
No = E-wa
People = Tanolk’oun
Person = Ranaga’oun
Pin = Penika
Room = Am’berguma
Water = Dioait
Wind = Toron
Woman = Sedar
Written Word = Murdaku
Tree = Pira’kautm
Yes = A-a

Dictionary of Daily InSubstantial Things:   One = Enntahi
Two = Deviru
Three = Pirit’rua
Four = Ogur’hata
Five = Sekrimai
Six = Onoexu
Seven = Hituge-et
Eight = Uit’taru   Nine = Ennathiuit’taru
Ten = Deviruuit’taru
11 = Pirit’ruauit’taru
12 = Ogur’hatauit’taru
13 = Sekrimiaiuit’taru
14 = Onoexu-uit’taru
15 = Hituge-etuit’taru   16 = Uit’taru mh’ela deivru (8 x 2)
17 = Enntahi’tarudeivru (The first after 8 x 2)
18 = Deviru’tarudeivru (The second after 8 x 2)
19 = Pirit’rau’tarudeivru (The third after 8 x 2)
20 = Ogur’hata’tarudeivru
21 = Sekrimai’tarudeivru
22 = Onoexu’tarudeivru
23 = Hituge-et’tarudeivru
  24 = Uit’taru mh’ela pirit’rua (8 x 3)
25 = Enntahi’tarupirit’rua (The first after 8 x 3)   32 = Uit’taru mh’ela ogur’hata
33 = Enntahi’taruogur’hata (The first after 8 x 4)   64 = Uit’taru mh’ela uit’taru
65 = Ennatahi’taruuit’taru (The first after 8 x 8)   128 = Uit’ertu (8 x 16)
256 = Uit’ertu mh’ela deivru (8 x 16 x 2)
4096 = Uit’artu
65,536 = Uit’ortu   All = Tuato
Also/too (quantity) = Liki’tua
And = Rrka
Anger = Riredurak
Away = Ati’wen
By (positional) = M’hela
By (mathematical = multiply) = Mh’ela
But = R’Ka
Close = Okala-timen
Each = Uat
Far = Lu'inahit
From = Sotma’nphra
From (mathematical = divide) = Sot’manphra
Front = Phra'andeva
If = Eph
In = T’lanan
How = Kianver
Less = Ihowen
Less (mathematical = minus) = Iho-wen
Like (comparative) = Ritan'ins Long = Lont’rora
Many = Anaha’gir
More = Pl’atuira
More (mathematical =plus) = Platui’ra
Not = Ka’r
Now = In’inukuna
On = Zhe
Of = Ika
Or = An’oska
Other = Tu’rua
Out = Kiutan
Short = Stot’out
Spoken Word = Illudaku
Some = Et’himirke
To (action) = D’kila
Than = Pas’kavren
That = M’lat
The (indicating a uniquely singular thing) = Te'in
Then = Quavren'ast
There = Reparm’la
These = Sageo’ka
Those = Vauem’la
Time = Tat’imawa
Under = Ohe
What = Ahaver
When = Inakever
Where = Kot’kever
Who = Koges’ver

"Beware the unspoken words."
The T'onnai.

The language that created the Universe exists. And, it can be Spoken, and Speaking it enacts Creation. To Speak this language is the essence of ‘magic’ in the Universe of Az-Atla. The proper pronunciation of this language is a closely guarded secret held by the Paragons, or other Divergent persons.   While there are current words used in Az’Atla which are clearly influenced by this primary language, these words are merely distant residual cast-offs retained through millennia. Some of these words may appear to be the language, but they are not. Some of these words may sound like the language (to those who know the language), but they are not. Other languages change as time passes. The language does not.   All words in the language are discovered by those who are brave enough to explore linguistic spaces.   Words are not created by those that Speak.   The language is a secret, taboo topic, and forbidden knowledge. All of the words that can be used to describe the language are also a closely guarded secert, so guarded that no one but the 'chosen' should even know that words exist to talk about the language.   Everyone who speaks the language asks the question – What if I could say the name of the language in the language?
TuataOrdtedi is not the language, but the Kant that the Devouring Mother has created.   Below are some other possible translations of this Kant word:   The Voice of Creation.   The Only Language.   The Root of the Universe.   The First Voice.
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Verb Relationship Families:   Typically verbs are seen as 'action words.' However, verbs can also be understood as defining the connection between the various nouns; the relationship. This can been difficult to see in the case of verbs like 'to eat' but easier to see in the case of verbs like 'to love'.   Verb families add an extra layer of contextual meaning to the relationship between nouns.   Depending on the nature of the verb family the verb's domain or nature can be altered. While it is possible to use every verb family with every verb, some uses are difficult to make sense of or incoherent.
Traditions   The use of Ee'loque is dangerous. As much as people may dislike the Paragons, the Paragons have kept citizens safe from dangerous expressions of Speaking for all of Civilization.
Those who decide to forego the structure and Civility of the Paragons, must do one of two things to expand their knowledge of the language.   They must discover Divergent persons who have studied longer they have, whom they may then petition to join; a Tradition.   Or they must experiment on their own. They must attempt to discover new words and new sentence structures of the language.


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Jan 2, 2023 12:37

Cool way to explain a language through a story, and your prose is encaging too! I'd love to see some links to articles that explain the concepts of the world and the characters and locations in more detail. The linguistic descriptions would benefit from the correct terms, if you know what they are, even though I think I could piece it together from the descriptions :)

Check out my Summer Camp 2023 wrap-up here!
Jan 2, 2023 12:38

And the sentences in the later lessons could have a gloss or word-to-word translation to show which word is which!

Check out my Summer Camp 2023 wrap-up here!
Jan 3, 2023 05:15 by Ray

Thank you for your comments. That are greatly appreciated, and exactly what I plan on doing in the near future. I don't have any formal linguistics education, so this article acted as the gateway to the start of research. I always try to provide narrative about Az-Atla to provide setting flavour, while building the metaphyisics. And, I've always loved the idea of language as a literal creative force, so this article is the first piece in sorting that out. I'm intrigued by the idea of providing players with a method to develop their own 'spells' and still include a game balancing/check process that is not numbers based but more narrative based.