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The Watchtowers of I'llumna

Secluded away within the isolated Illumna Mountains, located in the wilderness between the Olaran and the northeastern coasts of Alvana, four structures overlook the mountain pass. These ancient watchtowers overlook what was once a vital trading route between the East and the West, guarding it from danger and monitoring the travellers along the path. However, as sea trade superseded this dangerous overland route, these buildings have since been abandoned. Only two of the towers still stand today.


Prior to the emergence of the Arkosi-Ur empire (See the Timeline on Arkosi History), the inhabitants of Eastern Alvana began to hear whispers of foreign lands and exotic resources on the other side of their continent. After explorers discovered a safe route through the I'llumna Mountains traders were eager to seek out these resources, bringing them home to seek massive profits.   However, this overland route was dangerous. Apogees lurk in the dense forests and hidden caves criss-crossing the region. Pockets of strange wildlife, isolated from the outside world, prowl the countryside for prey. Camps of bandits and raiders concealed themselves among the towering mountain peaks and hidden valleys. All of these threats pale in comparison to the unpredictable weather and harsh winters. Many travellers vanished completely in the wilderness.   In an effort to make this route safer, recognizing how important it was for the local economy, the local government sponsored a public works project to make it easier to travel. This project included a number of improvements to the route: the charting of the best routes through the mountains on foot, creating supply caches along the most common air pathways, constructing bridges across the largest rivers and ravines, and creating structures for defense against the worst of the dangers.   The four Watchtowers were key to this defense. Standing on the mountains above the road, spaced out from each other by about 2 horizons (aprx 12 miles), these towering stone structures could monitor activity for miles around their locations. Guards stationed here had all the facilities to survive comfortably within the watchtowers until they were needed. If a traveller was in danger or illicit activity was detected they could step in. In the event of a problem they couldn't solve on their own, they could signal the other towers with a signal fire used in emergencies. These signals lead from the wilderness back to more civilized land, indicating for the nation to send in troops or at the very least a messenger to learn what the problem is.   For centuries, through wars, government collapses, weather, and other calamities, these structures stood tall over the landscape. However, their use was gradually phased out as overland travel was eclipsed by more profitable and easier sea routes. The final nail in the coffin came around 740 BT. After a societal collapse and political destabilization in the region, prompted by unknown events (See the history of Arkos ), the watchtowers were abandoned as the inhabitants fled en-masse. By the time that another government arose in the area, nearly 2 centuries later, the lonely structures were completely forgotten. It wasn't until much more recently that they were rediscovered: by then, they were in complete disrepair and two of the structures have collapsed.


Though they are no longer used, the ancient structures are still occasionally visited by weary travellers. The crumbling walls and remnants of civilization are still a safe place to make camp for the night. Like many ruins, the towers also flow with deep, ancient magic. Scholars and magicians have visited this location in hopes of understanding this deep magic and the history that created it. Some find nothing, while others find secrets of the world around them, while yet others find secrets of themselves. With the promise of safety and/or enlightenment within its walls, these towers may still be an area of interest for years to come.
circa 740 BT
Founding Date
circa 2150 BT
Alternative Names
The Lonely Towers
Parent Location
Owning Organization

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