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Alvana is the large northern continent that spans a significant chunk of the globe. It is often considered the centerpiece of Avani history and the site of many of the world's most advanced civilizations. However, it is largely untamed and constantly ravaged by wars between the Avani kingdoms and their enemies, the Apogees.


Alvana consists of a number of unique habitats. If one were to sail from the west, they would first encounter the Carvel Islands. These islands are mostly tropical rainforest, though the northeast corner of the primary island is a sun-scorched Savannah. From these islands it takes only a few days of travel to reach the western coast, which is characterized by rolling plains and temperate forests. This region is seperated from Arkos by a large mountain range, which effectively stops the warm winds that blow in from the ocean and leaves the rest of the continent cool and moist. The entire northwestern corner of the continent is covered in dreary carboniferous forests that remain cool the entire year and are almost always wet. This only gets worse in the Hinda Forests, though the pine trees are replaced by their swamp counterparts.   The far north is covered in fjords and rivers, which feed water into the beautiful taigas that grow among the blistering cold mountains. It is a cold place to live, but provides many natural resources to make up for it. Further east these mountains give way to the frozen Sabani Wastes, an inhospitable tundra that makes traversing the continent deadly. To its south are lifeless plains, which remain unbroken all the way south to the Olaran coast, where the flatlands are finally broken by hills and forests.
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