In Regard to Total War Document in Astraesto | World Anvil
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In Regard to Total War

A message that would prelude a great betrayal

And I must ask you only that your Kingdom stand in eternal defiance with my Federation, so that the evil that Jerace brings to our Galaxy remains permeated to their region alone, while we prosper in our unity and freedoms.
- In Regard to Total War
  In Regard to Total War is the common title for a famed message delivered by President of the Federation George Whistle to King of Apreas William II and Prime Minister of Apreas Thomas Soltvedt during 4002 AC, during the early years of the 2nd Galactical War. The message immediately proceeded the Fall of Avanor and was a plea by Whistle for the Kingdom of Apreas to begin plans to enact Total War - placing all their resources to bear against the 3rd Imperial Republic of Jerace who had dominated the Galaxy of Astraesto. The title given to this message is found within the message itself, where Whistle outlines how he and the Federation Federal Government will attempt to undertake the same process. The message and its contents were secret for nearly a century until historians in the 42nd century AC uncovered them.   While this message is famous, it achieved no lasting consequences, as Avanor would soon be captured by Imperial forces, resulting in the near capitulation of the Apreasean Military. The resulting Avanor Accords would see Apreas and later the Republic of Osheni withdraw from the war, although the Federation of Anfieden and Allied Planets soon declared Total War, and prepared to fight Jerace for every inch of territory.
Text, Letter
Digital, Holographic
Authoring Date
December, 4002 AC

Cover image: Astraesto by Blocky


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