First Federation Congressional Medal Item in Astraesto | World Anvil
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First Federation Congressional Medal

The First Federation Congressional Medal was an award given to the famed Federation Navy Admiral Lance Fyfe, following the 2nd Venily War, for his significant contributions in both the 2nd and 1st Venily War. It is notable for being lost during the Battle for Anfieden millennia later, while it was being transported off-world from its normal location in the Anfieden Planetary Museum.    The loss of the Medal was a blow to Federation morale in the 2nd Galactical War, especially the Federation Navy. The Federation Armed Forces told the public the medal had been stolen by the Imperial Army of Jerace, which was intended to spur Federation forces onwards, especially as the Invasion of the Jeraci Empire began.    The Congressional Medal has become one of the highest honors the Federation Federal Government can bestow upon a Federation citizen. It is given sparingly, and only a few individuals a year are even considered for the award. Unlike similar medals, the Congressional Medal may be given to both members of the military, or civilians. The only award that is considered more prestigious is the Elissa Andis Medal, which is given by the President of the Federation, and is named for Elissa Andis - an influential activist unjustly executed for her role in the Andis Revolt.
Item type
Unique Artifact

Cover image: Federation Flag by SparkyTheSec0nd


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