Alexander Character in Arrasgoth | World Anvil
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"The right word in the correct key in a joyful song can bring an awful lot of hope to people."
  Alexander is one of three siblings who work and live in Purgatory. He is a bardic healer who helps Ti run the hospital tent along with his two sisters, Angelica and Eliza. He uses his words to help rally those that feel the worst pain and suffering, trying to keep hope alive with his songs.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Alexander was born the middle child of two sisters to a sorcerer mother and a bard father. He was raised in Banshaw Edge and taught magic by his father after it was discovered he had a talent for music. He was sent to Rudyard University to study the bardic arts which he was excelling in, using his magic to help bolster and heal those that needed help.    When the war broke out, he got himself and his sisters out of the city and headed across the county. They eventually ended up at Purgatory, begging for sanctuary from the war that was about to start and offering any help they could. Alexander offered to keep the troops moral up and to help heal, which was accepted and the three were granted safety behind Purgatory's fences.
Current Location
Date of Birth
22nd of Hivadeb
Year of Birth
20 BTU 1022 Years old
Aligned Organization

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