Hanwyth the Hostly Character in Ardre | World Anvil

Hanwyth the Hostly

Wizard Hanwyth Delegh

Wizard under Griin Ainros   Hanwyth was born in Sure Town, a farming village east of Saolmoth, a lesser offshoot of a vassal clan of the Graunts. She was the eighth of thirteen children, mostly girls, and her parents were eager to be rid of her. On her seventh birthday, she claimed to have experienced a vision from Katriss, Host of Hearths. Her parents took this as a sign and pushed her on the local hostess, who carted her off to the hostel at Saolmoth. Hanwyth displayed a fervent and devoted interest in her studies from an early age and was soon moved again to the Grand Hostel at Great Cross.   Though her first love was study of the faith, Hanwyth showed fair aptitude in spelling, astronomy, and basic magics, and many thought she might serve the faith well as a wizard. They hoped her faith would influence those who ruled beside the lords of the realm, many of whom were still Deinain worshippers. Hanwyth had little interest in this field, but did as she was ordered.   Hanwyth trained under Wizard Berniss at Saolmoth, splitting her time between the castle and the hostel, and later under Wizard Armaen when Berniss died of a chill. Upon attaining the title of wizard, rather than seek out employment for some lord, Hanwyth returned to the Grand Hostel to serve as a hostess.   The Hosts had other designs for Hanwyth, it seemed. In 725 RA, King Griin Ainros commanded Hanwyth to serve him at Aerwoth. She had no desire to leave, but the Hostel saw this as a chance to support the faith. There was a strong divide between the Deinain and the Host of Hosts, and they saw this as a chance to strike a blow against the rock worshippers.   Very early in her career, Hanwyth saw that she had been chosen as a political prop. Rather than fight against this, she decided to continue her time studying the Hosts. King Griin was a strong ruler who fared well without her aid, yet the demands he did make seemed absurd. Only a few months into her service, the king approached her about his queen's fertility, complaining that he had fathered seven daughters and no sons. Hanwyth suggested he pray, and the king took this ill.   So ill did Griin take it, that when Malbrand rose up in rebellion in 726 RA, Griin ordered Hanwyth to accompany his uncle and Chief Justicar Kurnek Ainros and his army. Hanwyth was a competent wizard, but she had no experience or knowledge in military tactics. Yet she had no choice but to obey. Hanwyth was able to stop briefly at the Grand Hostel and her birthplace of Sure Town before meeting the Marnock forces.   Hanwyth was slain by a skirmishing of Breyvs early into the fight. She was remembered as a martyr and used more than once to inflame the peasantry against Westerners and the Deinain. She was two-and-thirty.
4694 4726 32 years old
Circumstances of Death
Slain at the Clash at Great Cross
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization