Cradle of Yaalk Geographic Location in Ardre | World Anvil

Cradle of Yaalk

Roughly the center of the Cynaji continent, Yaalk is a sweltering savannah that is largely suggested to be where mortal life first walked the earth. The term "cradle" comes both from this reputation as the birthplace of humanity, and the region's position between the Orvyx Mountain Range and the Shadowgates.   The Cradle is said to be the ancient seat of a vast, evil empire that had conquered the whole of the continent long before the Yenai had discovered Visrite, long before the Viisianari sung a note of magic. There are a handful of ruins to be found in the cradle, crown over by grass and even vines, but nothing to suggest any such power that could have conquered the continent.   Today, the Cradle is home to Yaalk, the northernmost of the Four Great Satari Kingdoms. Easily the most neutral of the four nations, Yaalk has long been invested primarily in the search for truth and knowledge. It comes as little surprise, then, that Yaalk  is the home to the Great Academy, the foremost home of learning in the entire continent and perhaps the world.

Regions of the Cradle

  • Ibusu Moda
    The central savanna of Yaalk, peopled principally by nomadic pilgrims.
  • Ulyuani Mines
    The exclusive source of visrite for Yaalk, controlled by Ulwakha City.
  • Irawa Subu
    The unofficial North March of Yaalk, containing Politer and Murtius.
    • Desert of Orun
      A small but deadly desert in the North March of Yaalk, said to contain fearsome beasts.
  • Iworiko
    Northwestern Yaalk, containing the Iji Coast and the Alawa Green.
    • Alawa Green
      A small, lush greenland found the northwestern corner of Yaalk.
    • Iji Coast
      The southeastern shore of the Sea of Storms.
  • Onsupra
    Northeastern Yaalk, a fairly sparse area, dangerously close to East Orckid and Monos.
  • Aiburu Desert
    The great eastern desert the borders the Shadowgate Mountains.
  • Daksigavata
    The southernmost part of Yaalk, surrounding the source of the Great Bariad River.

Included Organizations
Owning Organization