Aquila palaxis Hof's Developments Timeline

Hof's Developments


  • 1077 ABO

    15 Asoz

    Hof's Arrival

    The IXS Horizon arrives in Munazra's orbit. Promptly, the captain, after recovering from a brief knockout that coincided with a shipwide power surge, Hof Najara, makes contact with locals and starts to foster connections, even formulating projects to better the Munazran quality of life.

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  • 1077 ABO

    21 Asoz

    Creation of the Reactor for Seclusion Heights Begins

    After some discussion, and salvaging, Hof Najara feeds the materials to the omnifab system, and begins to create the reactor, piecemeal.

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  • 1077 ABO

    1 Mera

    Operation: Starfall

    In talks with Giloso, it was arranged for some damage to be dealt to the major bandit camp near Seclusion Heights. Esui, while tagging wrecks for salvage, also rigged up a number of large chunks of debris to act as projectiles. That evening, as Hof and Derala were winding down, the sky was lit up by a number of objects punching through the atmosphere and touching down on the ridge to the north.

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  • 1077 ABO

    8 Mera

    The Completion, and Delivery of SH-Reactor1

    With the pieces built and loaded up, they're brought down to the surface, where they're assembled through a community effort.

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  • 1077 ABO

    2 Arorad

    One of Us

    Returning to Munazra after a day spent with the Labyrinth's residents, shi reconvened with Derala Keldral, and after a bit of a discussion, offered to have the hybrid join hir.  Reluctance gives way to curiosity, as she accepts, taking on a Labyrinth Mutation of her own.

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  • 1077 ABO

    29 Neranava

    Installation of the Materials Reprocessor

    Attached to the growing power grid is the brand new Material Reprocessing Facility, coming with its own larger reactor built in, which allows the scrap-laden town to get rid of their old, rusted junk in trade for raw material. Heat put off by this process, and its built-in reactor's power output, become instrumental in warming up the town through a harsh winter, giving the people a comfort they haven't felt for a long time- or ever, as is the lot of some among Seclusion Heights.

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  • 1078 ABO

    23 Deruska

    The Avali Investigator

    One day, waking up, there's rumors of a small man trying to talk his way into Seclusion Heights' main reactor.  Introducing himself as Ranaku, a member of the AEF, he was dispatched here by his superiors to investigate a large energy signature.  He and Hof develop something of a colleague-like friendship, and over the course of the next few days, while Ranaku is avoiding returning home, they share blueprints and trade secrets.  Ranaku's goggle-collecting hobby is discovered as well.

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