The Treelands are in the north of Sylvania, it is home to the Tree Gnomes and Icarans. As the name suggests there is heavy tree cover. The trees are enormous and cover most of the terrain with few openings.
The territory is surrounded by mountains except to the South where there are grasslands, swamps, and fens. In the center are heavy mountains leading to Skymountain Peak where the Icarian dwell.
Where the grasslands to the south now are, used to be a mountain range in the past. During the Chaos Wars, this was the area that rose into the sky and became the Skylands. Now it is a grassy valley-like depression. The river that is there now is a fraction of its mighty glory as most of it followed the mountains into the sky.
Mountains and heavy mountains, rivers, lakes, dense forests grasslands, swamps and fens on the southern border. The Treelands make up the northern half of Sylvania, so on the other side of all of the mountains except the central ones is the ocean.
There are four large cities here: Treelandia is the capitol to the west, the Icarian capital is Iclana in the center, to the southeast is Fynvara and to the southwest is Tir fo Bryn (this is half in Treeland and half in Fae territory.
- North: is Mystra
- West: is Animus
- East: is Atlantia
Fauna & Flora
All normal flora and fauna that would live in forests and mountains dwell here as well as any fae that bled over. Tree Gnomes are friends to all plants and animals and often have special bonds with them.
Natural Resources
Tree Gnomes are very reclusive and shy. They can blend into their surroundings or step into a tree at need.
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