Kingsguard Organization in Amanor | World Anvil


Bodyguards of House Pendragon, legendary heroes and paragons of chivalry

The Kingsguard of Caraegwyn are an exclusive order of knightly champions that function as bodyguards for the members of the royal House Pendragon. Theirs is the most selective and prestigious of all the knightly orders of Caraegwyn.   The Kingsguard knights are paragons of the knightly virtues as well as martial prowess, and they are chosen for the order by none other than the reigning Summer King or Queen. To engage a Kingsguard in combat is to court certain death for they are the finest warriors bred by the caraegweni aristocracy. Moreover, they wield the mightiest of heirloom artifacts -- mythical armaments of relic steel, dragonbone and Sidhe glass. As such, the Kingsguard function as the heavily armed left hand of the Summer King, being responsible for not only the monarch's safety but also for slaying the most terrible monsters and resolving the most volatile diplomatic situations across the realm.   Contents

Vows of the Kingsguard

Upon joining the Kingsguard, a knight forsakes his familial obligations and bonds of heritage, for the duty of their ancient order is the most sacred in all the realm: the safekeeping of the royal Pendragon bloodline and the defense of the Golden Keep. The Vow of the Kingsguard is sworn for life, and although Kingsguard knights are permitted to marry, have children and own land, their never-ending and demanding duty often means that they have to sacrifice much of their personal lives.   Following the tradition set by King Arthur I Pendragon himself, there have ever been only up to eight sworn brothers and sisters of the Kinsguard at any one time. New members are recruited to the order only to fill places left vacant after the death of a Kingsguard knight (or the forced retirement of one grievously injured or otherwise disabled).  

Paragons of Virtue

As the most esteemed order of knights in the kingdom, the Kingsguard are a shining example to all chivalric orders and errant knights. Their devotion to the code of chivalry is absolute and to further reinforce their position as idols and role-models the Captain of the Kingsguard names every member of their order a paragon of one of the Twelve Knightly Virtues. Each knight is thus regarded as the embodiment of a certain knightly characteristic, and although these titles do not warrant any official duties, they do carry with them certain unspoken obligations.   The Sers and Serahs of the Kingsguard are celebrated heroes each and every one, beloved by the commonfolk and closely watched by the nobles; news travels far and fast when a Kingsguard misbehaves, speaks out of turn or fails in a quest, quickly reflecting badly on not only his order but on the code of chivalry itself.
Founding Date
Military, Knightly Order
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization
8 warriors
Full plate, shields, swords. All made from the finest materials available.


In 2501 ER the roster of the Kinsguard was as follows:
  • Ser Elegorn Aodhain, Captain of the Kingsguard, Paragon of Duty.
  • Serah Cilia Beldevere the Brightheart, Paragon of Resolve
  • Serah Marian Thorne the Adamant, Paragon of Courage
  • Ser Rewis Blackwood the Golden Hawk, Paragon of Audacity
  • Serah Audrea Whent, Paragon of Ferocity
  • Ser Thamas Grimm, Paragon of Patience
  • Ser Geoffrey Swan the Green Knight, Paragon of Integrity
  • Ser Grewain Serwin the Lion of the West, Paragon of Generosity


The order was founded in 1743 ER -- three years after the founding of the nation -- following a murder attempt on King Arthur the First.

Cover image: Kingsguard banner by CraniumBeaver
Character flag image: Kingsguard Sigil by CraniumBeaver


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