False Blood Fever

(Legacy Content)
False Blood Fever is an artificial variant of the Blood Fever disease, created accidentally as a byproduct of research conducted by Dr. Margrave during her efforts into treating Vampirism. Her insistence on using the Hemalilia plant, commonly referred to as "Bloody Nettle" due to its relation with blood - or rather its sangination of blood - inevitably lead her to testing her experiments on living creatures, eventually culminating in a far deadlier version of the plant's disease when introduced to humanoid subjects. Thankfully though, this disease has been thus far contained within her laboratory on the top floors of Heartspire's clocktower.

Transmission & Vectors

Currently, False Blood Fever is only capable of being transmitted through experimental dosages created by Dr. Margrave, and directly applied to subjects either through tablets or injection. It is caused as a result of genetically manipulated samples of the Blood Fever virus.     Note: Currently, while the only official way to contract this disease is through these dosages, any contact with infected material will spread the disease, similarly to natural Blood Fever.


The... explosions, are certainly not something I had anticipated, though logically they are sound...
— Journal of Dr. Margrave
  The symptoms of False Blood Fever are an amplified version of the same symptoms of natural Blood Fever. False Blood Fever first results in extraordinarily rapid increases in internal body heat, resulting in quickly deteriorating bodily functions alongside first through third degree burns all over the point of infection. This process usually takes around thirty minutes to progress to the final stage. What happens afterward depends on the speed of the immune response. If the immune system of the infected person is quick enough to react to the infection, then the individual will die of organ failure due to overheating and no further progression will be evident as the disease will quickly burn itself to death. If the immune response is slow, then the heat created by the rapid viral spread will eventually cause the body to rupture and violently explode, spreading infectious material in all directions. All cases of test subjects exposed to the disease who did not possess an immunity to normal Blood Fever or disease entirely, or do not possess a sufficiently hardy immune response to counter the virus have resulted in death.   Note: Due to the contained nature of the laboratory, no infectious material has been able to escape the location.


Tests conducted by Dr. Margrave herself have concluded that this variant disease cannot be treated through any known means, as the spread of the virus is simply too quick to slow or stop. And due to the clandestine nature of this virus strain, and the contained state of all samples, no outside research is being conducted.

Affected Groups

Similarly to natural Blood Fever, False Blood Fever affects any living creature with blood that requires hemoglobin to function or possesses iron in a significant way.


If False Blood Fever was to ever escape the confines of the surrounding laboratory, it can theoretically decimate entire population centers provided the populous is densely packed. However, given the care that Dr. Margrave has taken to ensure that this never reaches the outside of her lab, this is unlikely to occur.

Additional Notes

The effects of the Hemalilia plant when applied in this manner can only be described as wholeheartedly gruesome. But, I am convinced that the unique interactions between this virus and hemoglobin could be the key to creating fake blood that can actually sustain Vampires of any breed. No matter the cost, this treatment will ultimately save more lives than my experiments can ever claim. Besides, no one will miss a few bandits or vagabonds.
— Journal of Dr. Margrave


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Jul 8, 2020 16:18

>>> "inevitably lead her to testing her experiments on living creatures,"   This is how mistakes are made...

What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark?
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Jul 8, 2020 16:23

Indeed! This is a part of her character I plan on exploring and extrapolating on once I get to both her article and her story. Thank you for the comment!

Jul 8, 2020 17:00

I'm lookin' forward to it! That'll be a fun thing to mess around with.   Lovely read.

What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark?
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Jul 8, 2020 16:22 by Stormbril

If the immune response is slow, then the heat created by the rapid viral spread will eventually cause the body to rupture and violently explode, spreading infectious material in all directions.
Now that's hardcore. I love it, exploding body infection :D Though I'm curious, at the start of the article you mention that False Blood Fever can only be transmitted through dosages created by Dr. Margrave -- does this mean the exploding bodies don't spread the fever?   The fact that this affects essentially any living being, and is untreatable due to rapid onset of symptoms, is terrifying. And fantastic! This article is awesome.

Jul 8, 2020 16:29

I appreciate the response! As for the exploded chunks spreading the disease, yes the are capable of doing so if they come into contact with living creatures, which is mentioned in passing under symptoms and more clearly in epidemiology, but due to all current samples being contained in her laboratory it is simply not allowed to spread in that manner. Though, I probably will add a line for that in transmission just to make sure ;). Thank you for the comment!