Ambra Settlement in Adynía | World Anvil
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Ambra is one of the five main cities of the dwarven kingdom of Halinkazía in the Darka Mountains, and the only one which outsiders may visit, specifically merchants from the neighbouring Sikíron Empire.
Most of the city is located under Mt. Aþrúk, where the majority of the population resides during winter or in some cases throughout the year, safe for farmers and fishermen who inhabit the homes on the surface around the northern entrance. The northern and southern parts of Ambra are the most densely populated, while the tunnels connecting the two are home to smaller communities clustered around mines.
Guards make up a significant part of the population around the southern gate facing the Meldon Plain to prevent outsiders from sneaking into the city proper.


Ambra has been famous for its defenses for millennia, which no army has ever managed to breach, consisting of a series of twelve Great Gates and several lesser ones, as well as a massive underground labyrinth, filled with simple but effective obstacles for potential enemies and hidden shortcuts allowing the defenders to lay ambushes.
The oldest parts of the labyrinth date back to bronze age, and has been continuously expanded and modified through the ages.
Visitors to the city are blindfolded and carried on simple palanquins through the labyrinth, often in a convoluted way to prevent any attempts to draw a useful map of it from memory.


Rye fields and pastures for sheep and cattle surround the surface-part of Ambra, which along with fish from Úz Lake to the northwest provide the inhabitants with food and clothing. Under the mountain, water is obtained either from underground springs or by collecting rainwater falling through air vents.
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