Mother Mymma Heathertoes

Mother Mymma Heathertoes is the owner of Helping Hands Home. A Halfling originally from the Savannah Hills, little is known about her past. However, those in the Orphans’ Ally district of Tifwado regard her with awe and sometimes fear.   Mother Mymma has never been seen brandishing a weapon. She often has a baby in her arms or children clinging to her hand. However, many believe the Helping Hands Home offers more than a warm bed and hot food. There have been undeniable connections between the children who find haven in Helping Hands and those later accused of crimes. At the center of all is Mother Mymma.   Of course, if you question her about such things, she will respond with a kind smile and a speech about the importance of access to wealth to prevent petty crimes. She takes an hour each afternoon to stand in the public square of Orphans’ Ally to educate about the forgotten children of Adazuri and implore others to take in a child or help fund their way home, rather than leaving them to the whims of adventuring.   Her public persona is said to be vastly different than her actions behind closed doors. With a single phrase, she can have Folk twice her size cowering. Many suspect that she has a pact with a fiend or fae that gives her mind control magics. Though she has never cast a visible spell in public. To hide her magic so effectively means that she must be a powerful spellcaster, indeed. There have been some who have publicly stood against her—never one with too much political or social clout—who have vanished.   No bodies have ever been found. No evidence has ever been linked back to her. When questioned, she will respond with a kind smile and a speech about the wandering ways of Folk in Adazuri. Wouldn’t it be better if people stayed in one place, rather than exploring the world with nary a letter to their loved ones?   We cannot say for sure if Mother Mymma Heathertoes is as devious as Folk believe. After all, she does do a lot of good for the forgotten children of Orphan’s Ally. But take heed if she turns her kind smile towards you. Behind her simple facade, we fear Mother Mymma holds motivations that aren’t entirely pure.
Current Residence
Ruled Locations

Character Portrait image: by Portrait Workshop


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Jul 30, 2021 15:56 by A

Yup, don't want to meet her and speak wrongly in front of her. And the displacement of wealth, she is in favour of communal wealth so to speak? Would want to know what others say about her. Perhaps a quote or two in the sidebar? What do I know?

Worldkeymaster, also known as A of Worldkeymaster.
You are welcome to explore Nimenra, a world in conflict between Humans and Demons.
My summer camp articles and half-finished pledge document: Summer Camp 2022
Jul 31, 2021 23:02 by Cassandra Sojourn

When I was writing this article and the Helping Hands Home one I was really thinking about the quotes. Firstly because I need more quotes, I just need to come up with more NPCs to scatter though this world. But also because all of these articles are written from the point of view of the Flutterblink family, who is very pro-adventuring. I'm considering adding opposing viewpoints, like article blocks that look like old paper that are written from other organizations.

Choose your poison:   Phasmatum: An Afro-Solar-Fantasy world created for my epic novels.
Adazuri: A shonen-inspired magitech fantasy world home-brewed for 5e.
Aug 1, 2021 17:58 by A

I like that idea, it sounds good in my head at least. Knowing what others think about, specifically other leaders and organisations that are important to the world, is important both for players, GM's and readers. Also, it is interesting more so for it creates the "living world" as I see it.

Worldkeymaster, also known as A of Worldkeymaster.
You are welcome to explore Nimenra, a world in conflict between Humans and Demons.
My summer camp articles and half-finished pledge document: Summer Camp 2022